First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 617 Can't Wait Anymore

Chapter 617 Can't Wait Anymore

"Who?" Chu Xiaojie turned around.

A tall, handsome and mature man walked towards him. The man's gaze passed Chu Xiaojie and landed on Jing Ge behind him.

And Jing Ge also let go of her hand, kicked the man who was strangled half to death by her, and raised her eyes to meet the gaze of the visitor.

The four eyes met, a strange connection made the blood in the body boil.

The man looked at her eyes full of nostalgia.


Does she know this person?It seems that we have never met before, right?

"Sister!" The man lost control, walked in, looked at Jing Ge's face, and suddenly called out.

Jing Ge: "..."

Jing Ge: She doesn't seem to be that old yet, does she?When did you have such a big brother?

No, did her brother really take hormones?All of a sudden grow so big?

"Master, is this really your brother?" It's too big.

"So big? How did it grow?" Chu Xiaojie almost ate his finger in surprise.

"Excuse me, do we know each other?" How could it be her brother?Absolutely impossible.

Jing Ge regained her senses, broke the weird atmosphere, and asked the man.

The man wiped the tears off his face indiscriminately, controlled his emotions and said, "Can I have a private chat with you? I know your mother, is your name Lin Yunsheng?"

Jing Ge narrowed his eyes halfway.

She glanced at Meng Feifei and the others left and right, released Lang Ming's claws, handed them to Hao Xingyue, and then said to Lin Lansheng: "Okay, I just came to Fengyue Country, so I don't know much about this place, so My son, please lead the way."

Lin Lansheng took Jing Ge to a nearby teahouse and asked for a box.

"Your mother's name is Lin Yunsheng, she's my older sister, and my name is Lin Lansheng." Lin Lansheng felt that no matter how this matter was paved, it might have a great impact on her, so it's better to say it directly.

When Jing Ge heard these words, he had a confused expression on his face.

She actually has an uncle?

He is also a member of Fengyue Kingdom, a first-level powerful country.

Neither her father nor her mother ever mentioned these things to her.

Lin Lansheng looked at it and probably had some thoughts in his mind.

"Did your mother never tell you about this?"

Jing Ge fell into contemplation for a moment, searched for a while in the memory left by her original body, and confirmed that she did not find the corresponding memory point, nodded and said: "I have never heard mother mention it."

"Then... is she still alive?" Lin Lansheng tightly clenched his hands on his knees into fists, wanting an answer but also afraid to hear it.

Jing Ge was silent for a moment.

During her silence, Lin Lansheng seemed to have heard the answer, her fingernails dug into her flesh, and her mind began to frantically recall the memories that her sister Lin Yunsheng brought with him when she was a child.

Tears blurred his vision and fell out of his eyes.

A grown man cried like a child in front of a teenage girl.

"I'm sorry." Jing Ge's eyes were also red.

Just three words put an end to his twenty-odd years of waiting.

Can't wait to come back.

The voice and smile of that person in memory can no longer be seen.

He can no longer wait until she calls him his lifelong brother, and he can no longer take his favorite candy from her hands.

After Lin Yunsheng disappeared, Lin Lansheng gave up his favorite candy. For more than [-] years, he has never eaten a single candy.

He was waiting, waiting for his sister to come back, took out a handful of candy from his pocket, and said to him: "Idiot brother, I will give you some candy, please obey my sister obediently."


Can't wait any longer.

The rest of my life is still very long, but I can't wait for her anymore.

The world is so big.

She is gone.

No matter how hard he looked, he could never find her again.

(End of this chapter)

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