First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 626 The Embarrassment of That Night

Chapter 626 The Embarrassment of That Night

"It's so miserable, no wonder Mr. Lin is in such poor health."

"Yes, it was miserable at that time. When Mr. Lin was young, he was very handsome. All the women in Fengyue country wanted to marry him, but after losing his daughter, his hair turned white almost overnight, and he became ten years old all of a sudden. More than years."

The person who spoke sighed heavily again: "You do evil."

"However, didn't you say that Mr. Lin has found his granddaughter? Doesn't that mean that his daughter is really not dead, and she is still married and has children outside?"

"It should be. In two days, there will be a banquet held by the Lin family. At that time, the Lin family will announce this matter and officially claim the young lady back."

"Then that's a good thing."


"Now everyone is talking about Ge'er, and Ge'er has become a big celebrity." Chu Xiaojie and Meng Feifei whispered to each other.

"Hush, keep your voice down, what if someone hears you? The master hasn't shown his face yet, so people in Fengyue City are just spreading gossip. Everyone is guessing about the master's appearance. If people know We know the protagonist they are talking about, and nine times out of ten they will stop us and ask questions."

"Hey, what you said seems to have inspired me to make money. We can draw Xiao Ge'er's appearance and sell it. We can definitely make a fortune!"

Meng Feifei angrily raised his hand and knocked on Chu Xiaojie's forehead: "Are you poor and crazy? Do you dare to fight the master's idea? Forget what happened that night when you lingered in the casino and lost so much that you lost your pants." ?”

Hearing this, Chu Xiaojie's face paled immediately, and he said hastily, "Don't say any more, let the embarrassing things of the past go, don't keep reminding me."

Of course he remembered the scandal.

Because of gambling, he lost everything, even his underpants, and was thrown out naked in the end.

Ge'er found out about this later, Ge'er didn't say anything about punishment on the surface, but just poured him a cup of tea.

He watched Ge'er pour the tea, and there were two cups, he had one cup for Ge'er.

He only drank after Ge'er finished drinking.

But in the end, Ge'er was fine, but he himself had diarrhea all night. It wasn't until the weather was getting cold that Ge'er asked Meng Feifei to bring him medicine.

He will never forget the tragic experience that night.

"When did you say Ge'er drugged me? Why didn't I see that the tea was poured out of a teapot." Chu Xiaojie was still puzzled when he thought of this.

"It's not that you don't know the master's ability, wouldn't it be normal for someone to give you some medicine without knowing it?" Meng Feifei said with a white look at him.


Chu Xiaojie wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Meng Feifei: "Okay, okay, stop comparing nonsense, and get down to business."


After a while, the two passed by a shop selling cakes, Chu Xiaojie stopped Chu Xiaojie who was walking fast: "Wait a minute, Geer will leave the customs today, why don't we buy some cakes for Geer and go back? "

Meng Feifei glanced at the dazzling pastries inside, smelled the strong aroma, thought of the chef's behavior when he saw these pastries, immediately smiled and showed his front teeth, and walked towards the pastry shop.

Meng Feifei and Chu Xiaojie returned to the Lin Mansion, Jing Ge hadn't come out of the retreat yet, but Lang Ming ran to sit in front of Jing Ge's room door, staring at the door that was much higher than his. He was full of grievances.

(End of this chapter)

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