Chapter 629 Three Idiots
Thinking of this, Jing Ge forced her heart to become a little bit colder again.

"Why do I feel that they are a little pitiful?" Chu Xiaojie watched from a distance, holding a freshly boiled hard-boiled egg in his hand, wrapped in a layer of soft cotton cloth, rolling it around his blackened eyes.

"Master is also for their own good." Meng Feifei moved in the same way, rubbing his eyes.

"Do you know what's wrong?" Jing Ge asked again emphatically.

Xiao Qinglong continued to cry, Lang Ming pursed his lips and said nothing.

Although the two have different personalities, they are surprisingly stubborn.

Jing Ge put the whip in his hand on the stone table next to him, and said harshly: "Okay, you can continue to hang on the whip, and you are not allowed to come down until you realize your mistake."

After she finished speaking, she turned and walked away.

The two little ones were left hanging under the tree.

The servants who passed by all cast sympathetic eyes.

"Miss is so scary, she is so cruel to the two children, and hangs them on a tree."

"Yes, I saw it when I passed by today. It's really scary. Next time I see the young lady, I'd better avoid it. If I accidentally offend the young lady, I'm afraid I'll die."

"What are you talking about? Why are there two children? Isn't there only a little boy who always wears a hoodie next to Miss?" Suddenly a third person interjected.

The two servants who were chatting in front fell silent after hearing this, and looked at each other.

In the end, I don't know who spoke first.

"Who is that kid who suddenly appeared? There are two braids on his head. He looks really good-looking. It should be a little girl."

"I don't know, maybe it's the child of the little lady's friend, or maybe it's a child rescued by the little lady."

The whispers of several people were heard by Lin Lansheng passing by.

Lin Lansheng had a dark face.

"Who allowed you to talk about the master's affairs behind your back?"

When the three of them heard the voice, they turned around and saw Lin Lansheng, their faces turned pale with fright, and they knelt down neatly with a plop. ,
Trembling all over.

He didn't even dare to lift his head.

"Master...Master, please forgive me, please forgive me."

"Master, please forgive me."

"Guangfeng, pull these three people down to play [-] boards, and deduct three months' wages."

Kuangfeng is a shadow attendant who often follows Lin Lansheng.

"Master, please forgive me, please forgive me."

Only Lin Lansheng's ruthless back and Kuang Feng's cold face responded to them.

"Come here, pull them down and beat them thirty times." Kuang Feng beckoned for a few guards.

The three wailing people were escorted down by several guards.

Kuangfeng looked at them crying and crying, without showing the slightest sympathy.

In his opinion, these are three idiots who are not worthy of sympathy.

Knowing that Mr. Lin and the young master both protect the young lady like an eyeball, they dare to discuss the matter of the young lady in the Lin residence in private.

On the other side, after hearing their conversation, Lin Lansheng knew that there was another child beside Jing Ge, so out of worry, she still walked to Jing Ge's yard.

However, halfway through, he changed direction again.

After thinking about it, I still decided not to go.

If he went here, it would definitely give Xiao Ge'er a feeling of not being trusted.

It's better to wait for Xiao Ge'er to explain to him in person.

He believed that as long as he gave Xiao Geer some time, Xiao Geer would explain this matter to him sooner or later.

Thinking of this, Lin Lansheng suddenly became enlightened again.

(End of this chapter)

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