Chapter 632 Security

Especially when stared at by those deep and beautiful eyes, it gave her a very familiar feeling, and the throbbing in her heart made her feel uneasy.

Why is her heart beating faster?
Is it because he is so handsome?

Jing Ge tried hard to maintain the composure on his face, not to lose his composure.

Gulu swallowed.

Yes, definitely so.

It's all because he is so handsome that he makes her heart beat faster.

It must be that, and nothing else.

Seeing that she hadn't responded to Bai Yeling for a long time, Lin Lansheng was puzzled, and quickly opened her mouth to help her: "Hehe, Mr. Bai is laughing. My niece is a little shy, and she usually doesn't talk much."

Bai Yeling nodded and said, "It's okay, but I don't know your name yet." He deliberately pretended not to know.

Jing Ge was puzzled and thumped.

Did she really not tell him her name?

... It seems that I really didn't say it clearly.

When she was in Anyang City, she didn't communicate much with him, and it was normal that she didn't tell him her name.

"My name is Jing Ge, and my nickname is Jing Baoer." Jing Ge smiled politely at him.

Not long after, Lin Lansheng pulled her and continued to introduce her to others.

But Jing Ge's heart couldn't calm down no matter what.

Why did Bai Yeling appear in the first-class powerful country Fengyue?Then why is his home in Anyang City in Xuanyue Kingdom?

What is the reason here?
When the little uncle spoke to Bai Yeling just now, his tone was full of respect, and he didn't show any negligence just because the other party was younger than him.

The only thing that can explain this is that Bai Yeling's status is higher than she imagined.

Jing Ge's absent-mindedness was noticed by Lin Lansheng. He thought she was bored, so he introduced her to all the guests quickly and let her move freely.

Jing Ge let out a sigh of relief.

Sneaking out of the backyard ready to sneak away.

Walking to the corner of the yard, he plunged into someone's strong chest.

She touched her head, always feeling that this scene seemed familiar.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." She looked up to see the person she bumped into, her eyes widened and her mouth opened wide.

"What? Is Miss Jing surprised to see me?" Bai Yeling asked.

"Hmm... no no... well, it was a bit of a surprise, do you remember me? Ten months ago, your brother Bai Changle and I visited your house for a while..." Jing Ge felt a little nervous for no reason .

The logic of speaking is gone, and the words are not smooth.

"Oh, so it's you. No wonder I thought Ms. Jing looked familiar just now. I wondered where I met her. I didn't expect Ms. Jing to have such a good memory." Bai Yeling said.

Listening to his words, Jing Ge felt a little lost for no reason.

He doesn't remember her?

I really don't remember.


Why should she feel lost because he doesn't remember himself?
Jing Ge shook her head, throwing out the messy thoughts that suddenly popped up in her head.

"What's wrong? Did it hurt?" Bai Yeling put his hands on her head.

His big hands are a little dry and rough because of holding a sword and practicing martial arts all year round, but they don't hurt people, but they have an inexplicable sense of security!
sense of security?
bah bah bah.

What the hell is this?

Why did she inexplicably imagine something like a sense of security in her heart just because he touched her head?

She must be bewildered.

Jing Ge thought so in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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