Chapter 634

Not long after, the servants brought the things up.

Jing Ge took a piece of mung bean cake casually, leaned on the railing with both hands, broke the pastry in his hands, and threw it into the lake to feed the carp.

Bai Yeling stood behind her, looking greedily at her back.

Looking at it, there was a bit of resentment in his eyes.

Blame her for leaving without saying goodbye, blame her for being heartless, he has protected her for so long, but still hasn't warmed her heart.

But no matter how angry he was, he still found her involuntarily and tried every means to get close to her.

But this time, Bai Yeling decided to make a change, and couldn't pamper her too much like before.

Jing Ge faintly felt two scorching gazes falling on her back from behind, the heat almost burned two holes in her back.

She turned around abruptly, just in time to meet Bai Yeling's calm gaze, who asked her in a daze, "What's wrong?"

Jing Ge shook her head: "It's okay, it seems like a mosquito bit me just now."

Bai Yeling smiled, picked up a grape and peeled it, and threw it into his mouth without exposing her.

Jing Ge turned back and continued to feed the fish, full of doubts in his heart.

Did Bai Yeling really not secretly stare at her just now?Then why did she feel that someone was watching her from behind?

Could it be that she had an illusion?
After feeding the pastries in his hands, Jing Ge clapped his hands, walked back to the table, and sat down opposite Bai Yeling.

Wuzi took a teacup for himself, poured a cup of tea, raised his eyebrows and saw that the teacup in front of Bai Yeling was also empty, and immediately poured a cup.

"I heard that the daughter's red brewed by the Lin family using the secret recipe handed down from the ancestors is very delicious. I wonder if I have the honor to taste it?" Bai Yeling smiled slightly and continued to play tricks.

Jing Ge knows that Nurhong is such a good wine.

The method of brewing wine has been handed down from her ancestors' ancestors' ancestors, and her relatives counting far and far away.

The brewed daughter red is unique in the world.

Jing Ge tasted it quietly once, the fragrance lingered on her lips and teeth, it was really delicious.

She glanced at Bai Yeling, and couldn't think of a good way to refuse him at the moment, so she snapped her fingers and called the servant who was waiting nearby.

Soon, a maid trotted in.

"Miss, do you have any orders?"

Ever since Lin Lansheng punished a few servants with bad mouths last time, all the servants in Lin's mansion started to respect Jing Ge.

"Our guests want to taste Nurhong. You go to the underground wine cellar and bring out a jar."

She doesn't drink very well, so the wine will come later, but she must not drink too much.

Before the wine came, Jing Ge vaccinated himself first.

"Thank you. I just mentioned it casually. I didn't expect that you would actually take it, but I really want to taste the Lin Fu's daughter red." When Bai Yeling spoke, there was a slight smile on his brows and eyes, like a spring breeze, With that impossibly perfect and handsome face, no matter how much the request is made, no one will be able to refuse it.

After a while, the servant girl brought Nurhong and two cups.

"Miss, do you need a servant to stay and pour wine?"

"No need, go to the kitchen and bring some appetizers." Jing Ge said.

"Okay, the servant will go now."

Jing Ge waved to the servant girl, signaling her to go down, and when she turned around, she saw Bai Yeling smiling.

Immediately a little unhappy, the voice raised a little: "What are you laughing at?"

"I'm not laughing at anything." Bai Yeling said.

Jing Ge bit her lip.

Roaring in my heart: Inexplicably want to beat someone up, why?
(End of this chapter)

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