First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 638 The Descendant of the Divine Doctor Surnamed Jing

Chapter 638 The Descendant of the Divine Doctor Surnamed Jing

Her words made the eyes of the middle-aged man and the young man widen in surprise.

"Little girl, what did you just say?" The middle-aged man suspected that he had heard it wrong.

When he was questioning, he looked at Jing Ge again.

Such a young girl?Are you here to sign up for the Drug Fighting Conference?

Is this a joke?

"I'm here to participate in the drug fighting conference, and this is my letter of recommendation." Jing Ge escaped with a piece of letter paper and handed it over.

The middle-aged man and the young man were just about to reach out to take it, when suddenly a third hand came in and snatched Jing Gezhong's letter away.

Spread it out and take a look.

"Are you recommended by the Baiyun Gym of Linyuan Kingdom?" Yao Lao sized Jing Ge up.

The doubts and shock in my heart were no less than those expressed by the middle-aged man.

Such a young girl is already a senior alchemist.

This talent has been unheard of in Kyushu for 800 years.

"Yes." Jing Ge took the trouble to answer again.

When the young man heard their conversation, his eyes widened in surprise, and without hesitation, he grabbed the letter from Yao Lao's hand and quickly glanced at it.

Passed it to the middle-aged man to see clearly, and said in shock: "Second uncle, it is true that this little girl is already a senior alchemist, and she has passed three levels in a row. It only took one day to use it. Passed the elementary, intermediate and advanced alchemist assessments."

"Genius." The middle-aged man called out excitedly.

He walked up to Jing Ge with joy written all over his face: "Little girl, what's your name?"

"My name is Jing Ge."

"Jing...Jing what?" The middle-aged man thought he had heard wrong, so he asked again.

"Jing Ge." When Jing Ge answered again, there was a little displeasure in his voice.

Are these people playing tricks on her?How many times should a question be asked?How many times does it take her to answer?
"What? Is there something strange about her name?" Yao Lao obviously heard something wrong in the middle-aged man's words.

"Yao Lao, you don't know, this little girl, if I remember correctly, is the granddaughter that the old man of the Lin family just found back not long ago."

"The granddaughter of the old man of the Lin family? Let me see." Yao Lao seemed to know old man Lin, but when he heard that Ge'er was the granddaughter of old man Lin, his attitude changed immediately.

When I looked at Jing Ge again, there was more appreciation and love in my eyes: "Yes, it is indeed a bit like her grandmother when she was young."

"Old Yao, do you know my grandparents?"

"It's more than acquaintance. We had a strong relationship when we were three children, but later... oh, forget it, let's not talk about it, how is your grandfather now?" Yao Lao sighed.

"Grandpa is feeling better."

"That's good, that's good, that's good."

Jing Ge had doubts in his heart, but he didn't know how to ask them.

It seemed that the old man did know his grandfather, and they seemed to have a good relationship.

It's just why Yao Lao doesn't know about his grandfather's recent situation?Yao Lao was not invited to the banquet held for her at home a few days ago.

Could it be that there was a quarrel between them?
"Little Ge'er, don't you mind if I call you that?" Yao Lao asked with a smile.

Jing Ge shook his head: "I don't mind."

"Who did you learn how to make medicine from?" Yao Lao couldn't help asking out of curiosity.

"It's my father and grandfather. Our family is descended from a miracle doctor."

"The descendant of the genius doctor surnamed Jing, hiss, I remembered." Yao Lao gasped, "Is your grandfather's name Jing Huaye?"

(End of this chapter)

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