Chapter 642
"Little uncle, do you have anything to do with me?" This time is neither too early nor too late, but if there is nothing to do, it is impossible for Lin Lansheng to come to her at this time.

"Ge'er, did you let someone drink the wine cellar's daughter Hong a few days ago?"

Lin Lansheng's words made Ge'er recall what happened that night again, and the blush on her face became even redder.

Lin Lansheng thought she was embarrassed, and quickly said: "Don't get me wrong, you have a share of everything in the house, so you can drink if you want, but my uncle remembers that you don't drink very well, so you took such a strong drink. Daughter Hong, were you drunk that night? Are you okay? It’s all because my little uncle is too busy these days, so he didn’t have time to come and see you.”

"Little uncle, I'm fine. I drank some wine that day, but that wine was prepared for Bai Yeling, so I just drank a small cup with him, and Bai Yeling drank most of it." Jing Ge didn't want to let Her little uncle knew what happened that night, and subconsciously pushed the blame on Bai Yeling.

Anyway, he was not there, and he couldn't hear it.

"Well, as long as it's okay, you're still young, so it's better for girls to drink less." Lin Lansheng was still not at ease after all, and after a few more words of advice, he left under Ge'er's reassurance.

Not long after he left, Jing Ge locked the door again.

Turning around, a black shadow pressed over.

Before she could scream out, Sombra's palm covered her mouth.

Jing Ge saw the face of the visitor clearly.

It was the male protagonist who was still churning in her mind a moment ago.

"Shh, don't bark, I'll let go." Bai Yeling hissed at her.

Jing Ge nodded.

Bai Yeling let go of her mouth, but he still maintained the movement of pushing her wall behind the door panel.

"Why are you here?" Jing Ge asked.

I don't know if it's because of the action scenes that have been going back to the room in my mind for the past few days. When I saw Bai Yeling again, Jing Ge's skin became much thinner.

I always feel embarrassed to look into each other's eyes.

Even the temperature on his face felt a lot higher.

"I want to come and drink your daughter's popularity." The corners of Bai Yeling's lips curled up in an evil arc, revealing an unusually evil and wicked smile.

Obviously there is something in the words.

Jing Ge's mouth twitched.

This is really which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted.

"No, if you want to drink, go to my little uncle. He has a good impression of you. If you ask him for a drink, my little uncle will definitely not refuse." Jing Ge said, trying to push him away.

However, as soon as his hands touched Bai Yeling's chest, he immediately retreated as if he had touched a ball of fire.

Bai Yeling noticed her strangeness.

Interest flashed in his eyes, and he asked, "Do you still remember what happened that night?"

Jing Ge's face flushed red: "I don't remember, I don't remember anything."

She leaned her head, Bai Yeling could only see the top of her head, this reaction was enough for Bai Yeling to guess most of the truth.

For example, she should only remember part of the content.

At least, he probably didn't remember the scene where he took the initiative.

Otherwise, as early as the moment he appeared, the little guy's usual dagger or silver needle would have been on his waist.

The only thing that could be explained was that she only knew what she was forcing on him and forgot about the rest.

This is something God can't see, are you going to assist him?
The more Bai Yeling thought about it, the more he felt overjoyed.

It's like eating a honeypot in my heart, it's very sweet.

(End of this chapter)

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