First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 648 I Have Evil Thoughts About My Butt

Chapter 648 I Have Evil Thoughts About My Butt

"Don't worry, little uncle, I'm not a child anymore, I can take care of myself."

"In my uncle's eyes, you are just a child." Lin Lansheng scratched her nose, his tone full of affection.

This is extremely precious to Ge'er, who has lost family affection since childhood.

Therefore, I swear in my heart: I must work hard to become stronger and protect them well!

"Miss, why don't you take me there, I can protect Miss." The soldier who was repaired by Lin Lansheng just now came up and bent his elbows at Jing Ge, revealing his gnarled biceps .

She bared her teeth with a mouthful of big white teeth. She had neat short hair with beads of sweat hanging from the end of her hair. Her complexion was a bit dark, but she was quite attractive.

"Zhang Yue, you brat, are you tired of living?" Lin Lansheng kicked Zhang Yue's ass hard.

Kicking the latter so that he staggered and fell to the ground, as if he still couldn't understand his hatred, he walked over to Zhang Yue who was lying on the ground, and stomped on his butt a few times.

"Oh, oh, murder, boss murder, little miss, help me." Zhang Yue shouted indecently.

"Brat." Lin Lansheng stomped on him a few more times.

"Wow, boss, do you have any evil thoughts about my ass? Why do you always have to make trouble with my ass?" Zhang Yue lay on the ground and screamed.

The voice was quite loud, and it was obvious that Lin Lansheng didn't want to hit him hard.

"If I have evil thoughts about your butt, I'll cut off these two lumps of meat with a machete and cook them!" Lin Lansheng was so angry that he kicked again.

These brats really wanted to piss him off.

"Hey..." Zhang Yue covered his face with his hands, pretending to cry.

Lin Lansheng ignored him, walked up to Geer, and explained: "These brats have little brains, and they speak without thinking, but they don't mean anything malicious, Geer don't mind."

Ge'er nodded and said, "It's okay, I can understand."

"Oh, boss, look at how good-tempered the young lady is, you can't imitate others, she is fierce all day long, you can see that my buttocks are swollen by you." Zhang Yue stretched his hand behind and touched With a hiss, he jumped up.

Lin Lansheng clicked his tongue and walked over: "You brat, your skin is itchy, isn't it?"

He kicked Zhang Yue twice more.

Zhang Yue, who is not afraid of boiling water, shouted, "Boss, even if you kick me to death, I will still say the same."

"It's still the same, right? You don't know how to repent, do you? Okay!" Lin Lansheng waved to the soldiers next to him: "Ten of you come over, and each of you kicks his ass in turn. If you haven't finished ten rounds, don't stop. .”

"Oh, ten rounds for ten people is one hundred blows, boss, I will die."

"When I die, my ears will be clean."

This kid Zhang Yue usually has a very mean mouth. Among his companions, many people wanted to take the opportunity to beat him up, so as soon as Lin Lansheng finished speaking, ten people came up.

Gearing up, eager to try.

"Zhang Yue, you boy, you still have today. I will kick you hard a few times later to loosen your muscles and bones."

"I've wanted to clean up this little bastard for a long time. She's so cheap all day long, and there's no seriousness in her words."

"Wo Cao, aren't you the same? When did you pass by? Who sold a nude portrait last night?"

"That's not called self-selling, it's called self-blasphemy, you idiot, if you can't read, talk less."


A group of people was very noisy.

But unexpectedly, it gives people a very harmonious and harmonious feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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