First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 655 Fighting Medicine Conference 5

Chapter 655 Fighting Medicine Conference 5
His hands were very cool, and when he covered her forehead, a trace of cold air entered her body, soothing the hot body temperature in her body.

Let the heart slowly calm down.

"Why are your hands so cold?" Jing Ge held his hand curiously, looking over and over in surprise.

Bai Yeling remained silent.

Jing Ge touched his arm from his palm, and suddenly exclaimed in a low voice, surprised: "You can actually adjust your own temperature."

How strong is this person?

Maybe it was so strong that she couldn't predict it.

It is as immeasurable as the sea, and as unfathomable as the bottomless abyss.

"Stop." The Great Elder yelled to stop, making the audience quiet.

Jing Ge followed the sound, only to realize that Li Tianyi had been beaten to the ground by Night Breeze at some point.

Li Tianyi fell to the ground gasping for breath, while Night Breeze's hair was never messy.

The Great Elder ordered someone to take the energy liquid and feed it to Li Tianyi.

Li Tianyi wiped the sweat off his forehead and drank a bottle of energy liquid.

Then a faint halo of light emanated from his body surface, covering his whole body.

Visible to the naked eye, his mental strength began to recover again.

After a while, Li Tianyi stood up and grabbed his palm in disbelief: "I feel that I am full of strength now. This energy liquid is really useful, and the effect time is very fast. After taking it, almost immediately I can feel the changes in my body, God, this liquid medicine is really great."

Not long ago, Li Tianyi was still questioning the role of energy liquid, but now he seems to have become a bragging and supporter of energy liquid.

Constantly tell your feelings to the onlookers.

A group of curious people approached and surrounded him, constantly asking about the use of this energy liquid.

Li Tianyi became surprisingly good-natured, patiently answering each one, and looked at Jing Ge from time to time, hoping to get a compliment from the beauty.

However, Jing Ge never set his sights on him from the beginning to the end.

Li Tianyi narrowed his longing eyes, and his figure seemed a little lost.

"Today's drug fighting meeting is over. Those who pass the assessment stay here and wait for the second round of assessment tomorrow. Those who fail the assessment can go back directly now." The Great Elder stood on a high place and raised his voice.

Those who failed left with their relatives and friends in despondency.

Those who passed said goodbye to their relatives and friends, and agreed to continue to cheer tomorrow.

Ge'er didn't let her little uncle, Meng Feifei and others come over, so she could have skipped this link directly, but Bai Yeling in front of her didn't seem to like her turning around and leaving.

Several times when Ge'er asked to leave, Bai Yeling would quietly change the subject, but didn't give her a chance to speak out.

Tsk, what on earth is this guy trying to do?
Ge'er glanced at him unhappily, folded her arms, and stared straight back.

You can't lose momentum if you lose anything.

"Be careful tonight, I'll come see you tomorrow." Bai Yeling suddenly reached out to her, and Jing Ge habitually dodged a few times.

Dodged Bai Yeling's big hand.

The big hand fell to nothing, and stayed in the air for a long time before retracting it in a little disappointment.

"You performed very well today, and you will continue to work hard tomorrow." After Bai Yeling said this, he took out a sweet cake from the space and handed it to her, then turned and left the club without waiting for her reaction.

Jing Ge hugged the sweet cake and curled her lips.

what the hell.

It turned out that he was going to bring her sweet cakes, but he thought he was going to do something, and she was startled.

(End of this chapter)

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