Chapter 672
"Is the master coming back soon? I just went to the street to inquire. The medicine fight meeting is over today. The master should be back soon." Meng Feifei jumped up and ran out of the door quickly.

Chu Xiaojie happened to pass by, and seeing him in a hurry, he quickly asked, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

"The master is coming back soon. She must be hungry after going to the exam for a few days. I will prepare dinner for the master."

Meng Feifei plans to prepare a sumptuous dinner to surprise the master.

Little did they know, Jing Ge was already feasting.

Poor him, he was still thinking happily, how happy he would be when the master came back and saw a table full of good dishes——

Chu Xiaojie glanced at the gray sky.

"Boom." The thunder and lightning spread their teeth and claws across the sky, like a giant scythe, splitting the gray sky in half.

He faintly felt that Meng Feifei would be disappointed.

Sure enough, an hour later.

When Ge'er came back, she had eaten very full.

Some people treat guests to dinner, and it's still in a good place like Juquande. Of course, she won't give up the opportunity to slaughter Bai Yeling for a meal, so she ate a bit too much.

Even my stomach is bulging.

When she came back, Meng Feifei had just prepared the food and asked the servants to bring it to the table one after another, waiting for her to come and eat.

When Jing Ge came back, she saw a table full of good dishes, and looking around, they were all her favorites.


Some regret why I ate so full just now.

"Master, have you eaten yet?" Meng Feifei saw her and stood up and asked.

Jing Ge scratched his face, then shook his head mysteriously: "I haven't eaten yet."

Qinglong heard her say this, glanced at her slightly protruding stomach because of eating too much as if nothing had happened, and cursed in a low voice: Stupid woman.

Hearing this, Jing Ge just walked over, patted his forehead, sat down, and began to eat gracefully.

After eating enough, she ate again, and finally led her to walk back to the room by leaning on the wall.

"Phew, I'm overwhelmed." Jing Ge spread out on the bed, lying motionless on the bed like a dead body.

Soon fell asleep.

Jing Ge fell asleep and dreamed of Dabai.

When Dabai saw her, he quickly threw himself into her arms, and then licked her face and neck.

The plaintive bark barked endlessly.

He looked at her with aggrieved eyes, as if accusing her of leaving it behind.

She touched Dabai's neck, and smoothed his hair again and again, to calm Dabai's emotions.

Dabai was very restless, and his voice gradually changed.

Suddenly, Dabai grew bigger and threw her to the ground, pressing her forelegs on her chest, making her almost breathless.

Jing Ge waved his hand, trying to push Dabai away, but he couldn't.

And she was almost crushed by Dabai.

"Dabai, let go, I'm about to lose my breath."

Dabai remained motionless as if he couldn't hear her.

Just when she was about to die, she suddenly opened her eyes and woke up.

Then it was discovered that the pillow that was supposed to be under it pressed against her chest at some point.

It made it hard for her to breathe.

"So it was your stinky pillow that caused the trouble." Jing Ge breathed out, grabbed the pillow and threw it out.


The pillow flew towards the door, broke through the door, and just hit a figure standing outside the door who was about to knock.

The figure let out a scream.

Jing Ge quickly got up, put on her shoes, and walked to the door.

"Grandpa Lin, why are you here?" The person who came happened to be the butler Lin Youcai.

 Thanks to Ziyu, Manshuang, and Xiaoju for their rewards, (`) heartfelt
  Continue to update tomorrow, good night (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~
(End of this chapter)

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