First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 681: Uncle Gets Beaten 2

Chapter 681: Uncle Gets Beaten 2
Just like Lin Butler said, his father does have this ability.

Don't look at the old man who is sick in bed now, but he still has strength and influence.

Lin Lansheng glanced at his father.

Then he walked a little farther, and when he was sure that Mr. Lin's crutches could not hit him, he said, "My sister actually has another child, Geer's younger brother, who is less than one year old, and fell into the Black Panther of the Black Lotus Church." In my hand, I have already sent more people to search for the whereabouts of the Black Panther."



The crutch in Mr. Lin's hand flew out and hit Lin Lansheng on the shoulder.

The old man's eyes were red with anger, tears rolled in his eye sockets, he beat his heart, and howled: "My poor daughter, why did these things happen."

"Father, don't worry, I will definitely find my sister's child back."

"Master, you said that the little young master was taken away when he was less than one year old? According to the information we got before, the man-made disaster in the Jing family happened ten months ago, and the little young master was also taken away in that disaster." leaving?"

"Yes." Now that everything has been said, Lin Lansheng has no intention of continuing to hide it.

In order to hide old master Lin from the past, he edited and deleted what happened to his sister about his younger brother, and only selected a few key things to tell the old man.

The younger brother and the elder brother who is no longer there, he kept it a secret.

As for the fact that her sister was cut open and her child was taken out alive, she didn't even dare to mention half a word.

"My sister's child is likely to be a half-orc."

"Even if the child inherited the half-orc gene, how did the people of the Black Lotus Church know about it?" The matter of their half-orc gene has always been a secret, and no one except the Lin family knows about it.

Even if Lin Yunsheng is married, it's impossible for him to tell the story casually.

"Father, do you think someone leaked the secret?"

"Other than that, I can't think of any other reason." Mr. Lin's face became colder and colder. He and Lin Youcai looked at each other and said, "Youcai, go and check. After that incident back then, Are there any survivors?"

"Yes." After Lin Youcai finished speaking, he immediately left the room.

"What are you talking about?" Lin Lansheng felt confused when he heard their conversation, and his curiosity continued to swell.

"Of course you will know when the time is right." Mr. Lin obviously didn't intend to answer the topic of Lin Lansheng, he snarled at Lin Lansheng: "Bastard, bring back the crutch to me."

Lin Lansheng quickly picked up the crutches, brought them back to Mr. Lin, and said in a doggy manner: "Father, calm down, don't be so angry, Xiao Ge'er and I didn't do this sincerely to deceive you, we both It's for your own good."

"For my own good?" Mr. Lin sneered.

"Yes, the conscience of heaven and earth can be proved by the sun and the moon. We are really doing it for your father's sake... Oh, father, father, why did you hit me?"

The crutches in Mr. Lin's hand fell heavily on Lin Lansheng.

The beating made him croak and run around holding his head.

"Father, your crutches are made of Xiangyun Longmu. It hurts to beat people. Can you stop picking at the soft places... Alas!"

Lin Lansheng begged for mercy to no avail, and finally ran out towards the door while screaming.

He quickly escaped from Mr. Lin's residence, running fast, as if there was a ghost chasing after him.

Lin Lansheng fled all the way back to the training ground, and ran into Jing Ge by accident.

(End of this chapter)

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