Chapter 687
"Didn't you say that Ge'er is here, so what about people now?" You Ji Mie had already experienced his narcissism along the way, so he didn't want to talk nonsense to him at this time.

"We're late. If we want to say this, we have to blame you. If you didn't insist on saving that woman, we wouldn't just be late." Yanhuang got angry when she mentioned this, muttering to herself. A pass.

"So blame me?"

"Of course, don't you blame me, don't you?"

The atmosphere between the two was tense for a while, and the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder from Perak Bala.

The waiter in the shop brought up the food and drink, not daring to let out a nervous atmosphere, and approached nervously.

"If your telepathy is reliable, we wouldn't have gone so many wrong roads in vain." You Ji Mie picked up the jug and drank a glass of wine.

Seeing this, Yanhuang pouted immediately, picked up the wine glass on the table and handed it over: "Fill me up too."

You Ji Mie glanced at the wine glass in his hand, ignoring it: "Children are not allowed to drink."

"Fart, I'm not a child, I'm bigger than your grandpa's grandpa's grandpa's grandpa." He stared angrily.

"Give me the wine quickly, that's the white wine I ordered." Yanhuang was so angry that she grasped the wooden table with both hands, her nails were on it, digging out traces of nails.

"We'll talk about it when you're as old as I am." You Ji Mie cast a provocative look over.

"Okay you brat, just wait for me." Yanhuang was so angry that she fell back to her seat.

Folding his arms, he groaned angrily.

"Where did you say that the ghost doctor sage went? Why did he suddenly disappear from the world?"

The four people sitting around the square table suddenly spoke.

"I've never heard of this name before, and I don't know where it came from." A man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks said, putting down the chopsticks in his hand.

"Who knows, her deeds are spreading everywhere now. There are rumors that she is actually a witch who eats people and drinks blood."

"Hey, what are you talking about? You should be just a pharmacist with relatively strong skills. However, a pharmacist who can make a forbidden drug that makes people age quickly must not be a good person."


Listening to their conversation, Yanhuang squeezed her chin, jumped off her seat, and walked straight to the next table.

"The Venerable Poison Doctor you are talking about is a woman?" If he guessed correctly, this Venerable Poison Doctor is probably a stupid woman.

He has seen stupid women concocting medicine, and their techniques are superb. Although she is still a weakling, she can always exceed his expectations.

"It is rumored that she is a petite woman, wearing a red dress, with weird moves and unbelievably flexible movements..." the man chattered, and there was still a gleam of admiration in his eyes.

One look and you can tell that he is a fan of the legendary poison doctor sage.

When Uncle Xiao and the Prime Minister's family were still alive, they oppressed them a lot, so these people also secretly cursed Uncle Xiao and the Prime Minister to death.

Curses be damned, everyone knows it's impossible.

But suddenly, a Venerable Poison Doctor descended from the sky, and solved all the people you hate at once——

This has to make people feel happy and adored.

The more Yanhuang listened to it, the more she felt that it was the work of a stupid woman.

When she got the answer she wanted, Yanhuang interrupted the man's chattering: "Some time ago, did a girl about 14 years old and a boy in his late teens appear in Lingcheng?"

(End of this chapter)

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