Chapter 689

Going to the brothel doesn't cost money?
I'm afraid this boy is not a fool.

Yanhuang groaned for a while, and her attention was quickly attracted by the colorful beauties in Mu Yuanlou.

The girls standing upstairs and downstairs are as beautiful as flowers.

In particular, there are two rows of girls standing on both sides of the corridor, welcoming them to go up.

Yanhuang looked happy, but You Ji Mie's expression was not so pretty.

With a cold face, dark and dark.

The whole body exudes a low cold air that makes people dare not approach.

As a result, they walked all the way up, and when they reached the room, no girl dared to approach.

Yanhuang stared at You Ji Mie with a resentful face.

His beauty!
All gone.

"There are so many beauties, you don't have any one to admire?" Yanhuang complained for a while, then revived with blood, put her hands on the table, and looked at You Ji Mie with her chin resting on her hands.

"Where is the beauty? I didn't see it." You Ji Mie said coldly.

"So many beauties, you didn't see any of them? Are you blind?" Yanhuang's eyes widened.

"It's completely incomparable with Ge'er." You Ji Mie said with disgust.

Yanhuang almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Knock knock knock."

"Who is it, come in."

The old bustard opened the door and brought in three beautiful beauties.

"These are the three best girls in our Muyuan House. Does this guest want all of them, or choose one?"

You Ji Mie was too generous in giving money just now, and he was dressed in good materials. The old bustard has sharp eyes, and he can tell at a glance that he is a rich master, so he brought a few here specially, and the best thing is that the other party wants them all. This way she can make more money.

Unexpectedly, when You Ji Mie Zi saw the three women in revealing clothes, his eyes darkened instantly, and he said with a cold face, "Who said I want a woman? Get out."

The voice is thick and majestic.

The three women trembled into a ball in fright.

One of them, who was more courageous, plucked up his courage and walked over, wanting to fall on You Ji Mie as if weak and boneless, but You Ji Mie dodged directly, and the woman fell to the ground with a bang.

"Oh." The woman let out a scream.

The people in the room, including Yanhuang, all looked at You Ji Mie in disbelief.

There are still such men in the world who don't know how to pity and cherish jade!
Sure enough, they are all single by their ability.


Back then, in their world of beasts and beasts, how gentle, considerate and considerate the males were to the females, the so-called responsiveness, no matter what the female wanted, they would satisfy the female immediately-although, he was a single dog from the beginning to the end!
You Ji Mie coldly glanced at the mourning woman on the ground, flicked his sleeves, and jumped out of the window.

Yanhuang was left alone with the remaining women staring wide-eyed.

After lunch, they rested for another half an hour, and the afternoon training began.

Jing Ge continued to practice the set of punches he had played in the morning.

This is a very basic set of boxing techniques, regular practice can increase the weight of punches.

She and Hao Xingyue stood together and punched each other.

Just finished, ready to take a breath and continue, Xiaocui, the maid in charge of taking care of her, ran in.

"Miss." Xiaocui shouted from afar.

Seeing her flustered, Jing Ge stopped punching, walked out of the training ground, and came to the servant girl.

"Yes, there is a letter." Lin's mansion is very big, and Xiaocui ran all the way here, her face was flushed and she was out of breath.

"What letter? Whose letter?" Jing Ge took the letter in doubt, opened it, and glanced at it.

"Come to Yingchun Building, you will regret it if you don't come."

(End of this chapter)

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