First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 696 This is for you

Chapter 696 This is for you
Jing Ge changed his clothes and drank porridge.

The eyes kept falling on him.

I can't help feeling sorry.

He looks so handsome and has such a good figure, but there is something wrong there... Does the Creator treat him as his own son or an illegitimate son?

It's like a beautiful handicraft, but there is a black spot inside, which makes people regret nothing but regret.

This regret directly covered Jing Ge's feeling that he might have lost his virginity to the other party.

Bai Yeling didn't know what she was thinking in her heart, but she noticed that her eyes fell on him from time to time, thinking that after the intimate contact last night, the little guy became more dependent on him and appreciated him more.

I am happy and excited.

He couldn't help but walk frequently in front of her to attract her more attention.

"Papa papa." There was a frequent knock on the door.

The position of the sound is very low, it must be that kid coming.

Bai Yeling frowned, walked over and opened the door.

I saw that Qinglong was standing at the door, with a small fat waist, pointing at Bai Yeling and began to curse: "" Big villain!

A sharp cold light flashed in Bai Yeling's eyes, and he shot at Qinglong with a strong killing intent.

Qinglong was so frightened that he twirled the curse words around on the tip of his tongue and swallowed them all.

"Biying..." He began to cry.

Then, relying on his small body, he sneaked in from the foot of Bai Yeling, and went straight to Jingge's side.

"Gulu." Before he could speak, his little stomach began to growl first, smelling the delicious aroma of meat porridge.

Xiao Qinglong rubbed his belly, glanced at the meat porridge in Jingge's bowl, swallowed, " woman, do you still... have porridge?"

Jing Ge glanced back at the good-for-nothing little Qinglong, raised his chin in the direction of Bai Yeling station: "Over there, ask him."

Xiao Qinglong heard that he wanted to ask Bai Yeling, and thinking of the look in his eyes just now, he hid behind Jing Ge in fright, grabbed her arm, poked out half of his head, carefully glanced at Bai Yeling, and whispered: " That person is very fierce, can you help me? I'm hungry."

The ending was deliberately elongated, revealing a miserable appearance.

It's a good hand to pretend to be pitiful and cute.

Jing Ge flicked his forehead and cast a look at Bai Yeling.

The latter received the message, turned around and walked out.

"He...he last night..." As soon as Bai Yeling left, Qinglong began to stammer and want to complain, but finally he started. A tall black figure walked in from the door, his figure was very tall, covering most of the The sun cast a tall, devil-like shadow on the ground.

Qinglong was so frightened that he shrank under the table, not daring to speak again.

Jing Ge was puzzled, glanced at him, but didn't understand what he wanted to say.

"Didn't you go to the kitchen to ask for porridge?" Jing Ge looked at him curiously, put down the bowl, and walked out.

"Tell Night Breeze to go." Bai Yeling said calmly.

She touched her chest and found that the jade pendant was gone. Lianbu moved to Bai Yeling and stretched out her hand: "Where is my jade pendant?"

Bai Yeling took out a piece of white jade pendant and put it in her palm.

Jing Ge touched it back and glanced at it: "This is not the one I was wearing before, what did you do to mine?"

"It broke, and this is for you. This jade is more expensive than the previous one."

"Oh, thank you." When Jing Ge heard the word more expensive, he immediately tightened his palms and put the jade pendant back into his arms, as if the other party would regret taking it back.

(End of this chapter)

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