Chapter 704

"Grandpa Lin." Jing Ge greeted Lin Youcai briskly.

"Master is already up, please come in quickly, just in time Miss Shangguan is here too." Steward Lin pushed open the door, turned sideways, and let Jing Ge walk in.

Jing Ge went inside and saw three women in the room.

Her aunt Lin Shuru, her cousin Shangguan Yao, and her maid Yang Liuer.

Just as Jing Ge stepped into the door, Lin Shuru immediately came up to meet her, held her hand affectionately, and said with a smile: "This is Yun Sheng's daughter, right? Sure enough, she looks exactly like Yun Sheng when she was a child, so beautiful."

Mr. Lin also sat up at this time, looked at Jing Ge lovingly, and said, "Ge'er, this is your aunt, next to you is your little cousin named Shangguan Yao, you are about the same age, you should have a lot in common. topic."

As soon as Mr. Lin finished speaking, Lin Shuru immediately interjected: "Yeah, Yao'er is also about the same age as Ge'er, and is only one year older than Ge'er. Girls of this age have a lot of topics to talk about. You will go to play together in a while." Let's go."

"Hello." Jing Ge glanced at Shangguan Yao.

Shangguan Yao approached with a smile, held Ge'er's arm very familiarly, and said with a smile, "I've seen you. Before you came, grandma kept talking about you, saying that you are in every possible way." Well, I've been wanting to see it for a long time, and today I finally got the chance."

For some reason, Jing Ge could always feel a kind of hostility from her tone.

It wasn't obvious, but it was enough for her to notice.

"If you want to play, go out and play first. I haven't seen you for a long time, and I still have something to talk about." Lin Shuru said to Shangguan Yao and Jing Ge.

In fact, Jing Ge is not so easy to play with strangers, and this woman named Shangguan Yao always gives her a feeling that is not very likable.

So she instinctively wanted to refuse.

But the words of refusal just came to her lips, and before she had time to say it, Shangguan Yao next to her had already held her hand, as close as a good sister, "Xiao Geer, why don't you just accompany me, I won't be here for a long time I've crossed the city, and I can't remember some places, so you can take me to look again, okay?"

The voice is delicate, with the delicate posture of a daughter's family, and there is a kind of pure and lively agility in it. It is obviously very cute, but it still makes Jing Ge feel a little uncomfortable.

"Actually, I don't know much about Fengyue City." Jing Ge cryptically rejected the other party's request.

"It doesn't matter, I still remember it, it's just that I'm not familiar with it. When I was a child, I grew up in Fengyue City, and I lived here longer than in Lanruo City, so if you are not familiar with it, let me Come and take you to play."

Shangguan Yao's voice was very soft, with the coquettish and coquettish attitude of a little girl.

The so-called reaching out and not hitting people with smiling faces, let alone her grandfather is still there, she can't refuse in person.

Had to agree.

"There is a temple in front, I heard it is very effective, let's go and ask for a lottery together." After Shangguan Yao finished speaking, regardless of Jing Ge's willingness, she directly pulled her forward.

Jing Ge didn't like crowded places like these, and was almost dragged in by her.

to the door.

Shangguan Yao excitedly dragged Jing Ge to the booth next to her, bought cigarette yellow paper, and followed the crowd to line up inside.

(End of this chapter)

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