First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 709 The Deity Knows You Will Be Sweet

Chapter 709 The Deity Knows You Will Be Sweet
"Uncle Bai, it's wrong to kill innocent people indiscriminately. People should be compassionate."

"It doesn't matter, this deity is the supreme being in the demon world, and demons pay attention to following one's heart and mind." Bai Yeling's hand moved down to her cheek, and she could touch his wrist just by turning her face slightly.

The breeze was blowing slowly, and one could even clearly smell the pleasant sandalwood fragrance on his body.

"After all, this is the human world, and we have to follow human rules and habits, what does Uncle Bai think?" Jing Ge's lips curled up slightly, and she looked at Mozun with a smile, looking back at him in a relaxed and natural way.

The sight of the two facing each other's eyes, in the eyes of the demons next to them, looks like they are flirting.

All the demons touched their chins one after another, but fortunately, the chin was still there.

But... is the one in front of him really their Demon Realm Supreme?
I'm afraid it's not fake from some filthy thing?
Isn't the Demon Lord unfeminine?Doesn't the Demon Lord dislike being close to people?Don't you hate women taking the initiative to post?Those women who took the initiative to post in the past, wasn't that one who was kicked away by the Mozun without even blinking?
But the woman in front of her, although she has an alluring beauty, her figure is too poor, she looks like a yellow-haired girl, she has no breasts, and her butt is not sexy enough.

Never expected that the Lord's taste is so peculiar.

The magic sound fed the soul storage pill to the magic flute, and then slowly put the person down on the grass.

Stand up and take a look here.

When his eyes fell on Jing Ge, a sharp pain flashed in his eyes.

She has been with the Lord for so many years, and she has never seen the Lord show such an emotional expression.

"This deity is not very good, why don't you come and teach this deity by hand?" Bai Yeling raised her chin, and smiled evilly, with light shining in her eyes.

Jing Ge couldn't see his face, but he could clearly see his crimson eyes, sexy and charming.

He swallowed uncomfortably.

She had to admit that there was an inexplicable magic in these eyes, which made her want to get close to him.

I also want to see what his face looks like under the mask.

Monsters, all monsters, are the beauty of men and women, and the beauty of their appearance far surpasses that of humans.

Looking at the group of demons behind them, they all know that their overall appearance is very high, but they don't know if the man standing in the highest position in the demon world in front of him has an even more suffocating beauty.

Jing Ge couldn't help stretching out his hand, trying to take off the mask on his face.

Just as his fingers were about to touch the mask, Bai Yeling grabbed her wrist.

It didn't use much force, but it was like an iron hoop, making people unable to struggle.

"If you want to see the deity's face, you have to pay a price." The voice was as deep as water and full of magnetism.

"What price?"

"In this world, only a woman of this deity can take off the mask on this deity's face." The corner of her lips curled up, and the evil smile made people dazzled.

After a while, Jing Ge came back to his senses.

He raised his hand and clenched his fist on his chest, and punched him twice: "Uncle Bai, in this world, except for me, any woman you want can come with a hook."

Mozun pressed forward a little bit closer, his knees retracted a little distance, and the breath of his breath sprayed on her face, "Why did you get rid of you?"

"There is no reason, don't you know that twisted melons are not sweet?"

"I don't know if other melons are sweet or not, but I know that you will be very sweet." Mozun said while pressing his face, and licked her white, tender and smooth face, acting almost like a perverted madman, " Very sweet."

Jing Ge: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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