First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 718 Black Volcano 2

Chapter 718 Black Volcano 2
Among the group of people here, he is the only one who is familiar with Black Volcano.

So the guide and conductor were handed over to him as a matter of course.

Neither Jing Ge nor Lin Lansheng had any objections.

As soon as Shangguan Yao heard that it was time to rest, she immediately jumped off the horse, trotted to Xuanyuanche's side, smiled obsequiously, held her chin, pretended to be innocent and cute, and blinked at Xuanyuanche , "Third Prince, have you been to this black volcano before?"

The third prince thought that she was also Lin Lansheng's cousin and niece, so he should be more polite.

He smiled and said, "My king comes here almost every three years."

"Wow, didn't you say that most of the people in Hei Volcano are going in and out? How did the third prince do it?"

"Nine times out of ten, this king is the tenth." Xuanyuanche said with incomparable confidence.

Lin Lansheng passed by and knocked him on the head: "Will you die if you don't look good?"

Xuanyuan Che firmly said: "Yes."

As night fell, they also began to camp and stay overnight. On the flat ground, there were piles of gray and black tents. .

"Boss, a group of strangers came down from the mountain."

"About how many people are there?" Hearing this, the man with his back turned around, revealing a handsome face, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, thin lips and a straight nose, his facial features are very pleasing to the eye no matter they are separated or combined.

"More than 30, including Xuanyuanche, the third prince of Lan Ruoguo."

"That guy is here again?" Hearing the name, the man showed a look of disgust, then waved his sleeves to make people back away.

"Boss, the people who came this time are quite powerful." An old man with various colors of graffiti on his face came out, holding a strangely shaped cane in his hand, and walked in from the door.

On the top of the cane is a dark skull, with two dark holes exposed in the eye sockets.

"How to say?" Jun Jiuxin sat back on the chair covered with the expensive and luxurious animal skin.

"Phoenix Queen's destiny, if you get this woman, you can win the world." After muttering for a while, the old man clasped his hands together, facing the position of the sky, and murmured.

Whispering, I don't know what to say, anyway, Jun Jiuxin can't understand a single one.

"Although your divination has almost never made a mistake, is it too exaggerated this time? What kind of woman is so powerful? She can be equal to the world."

"It's not the same as the world, but the fate of this woman ultimately points to the position of the world's overlord."

"The overlord of the world? A woman can become the overlord of the world? Then where do you put the supreme being of the demon world, the king of the human world, and me, the king of the beast world?" The man sneered, apparently not believing the result of this divination. .

"Boss, I'd rather believe what you have or not." Seeing his disdainful expression, the old man was so anxious that his gums got angry, and hurried to him, knelt down, "This matter involves the eternity of our orc kingdom. Please think twice before acting, leader."

"Come on, after talking so much, don't you just want me to marry that woman back? Just wait, if she looks good, marry me." Jun Jiuxin squeezed the bones of his fingers, making them rattle: " You back off."

He was very curious about what kind of strange woman could bear the fate of being the overlord of the world.

After the divination old man left, Jun Jiuxin called the people outside the door to come in.

"Leader." The person who came in knelt down to obey the order.

"There will be a group of people going up the mountain tomorrow, you are ready to 'treat' them for me."

"My subordinate understands."

(End of this chapter)

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