Chapter 728
"We have discussed it, then let's go." The boy wanted to say something, but was swept away by the girl's sharp eyes, and he forced himself to go back.

"Wait a minute, I don't want to go up the mountain."

Jing Ge held Lang Ming in his arms, exchanged glances with Hao Xingyue, and was about to start going up the mountain when Shangguan Yao suddenly called out.

"I don't want to go up." Shangguan Yao rushed behind Xuanyuanche and Lin Lansheng, shaking with fear.

If possible, Jing Ge certainly didn't want to take her with her.

However, since the other party wanted the three women by name, there must be a reason. It stands to reason that Shangguan Yao wouldn't have to go up just because she didn't want to go up.

Jing Ge glanced at the young girl, and the latter's eyes flashed with displeasure, but she still managed not to attack, but her voice was cold: "No, you three can't miss one, and you don't need one less."

Hearing this, Lin Lansheng turned her head and glanced at Shangguan Yao: "Yaoyao, you follow, if you listen to Geer, she won't let you have trouble."

"But... I'm afraid." Shangguan Yao is a good actor. As soon as she said the words of fear, the circles of her eyes turned red, and two clear tears were about to fall in her eyes. She looked pitiful and pitiful.

Unfortunately, the people present are all straight men!

Not to comfort a poor weeping woman.

"Shangguan Yao, why didn't you say you were afraid when you asked to come with me?" Jing Ge's eyes were cold, and his voice seemed to come from an ice cave, making goosebumps rise from the cold.

Under everyone's eyes of condemnation, Shangguan Yao cried and followed.

"This woman's crying is so annoying." The boy and girl walking in front complained: "Can I sew her mouth shut?"

The girl slapped the boy on the back of the head: "Stop talking, I'll sew your mouth shut first."

The conversation between the two was overheard by Shangguan Yao, who hid behind Jing Ge in fear, choked up a few times, and tried to hold back his tears, not daring to cry again.

Jing Ge originally thought that the orc kingdom was a magnificent castle and palace, but the result was unexpected.

The so-called orc kingdom is actually a hollowed out mountain range. From a distance, it can be seen that the surface of the mountain is covered with densely packed stone caves.

One by one, cave-like existences are neatly arranged together.

"Stunned, aren't you?" Seeing Jing Ge's obviously stunned expression, the young man leaned behind her and suddenly laughed out loud.

Jing Ge was taken aback by his sudden weird laughter, and habitually handed out the silver needle in his hand, almost puncturing the boy's throat.

Fortunately, she came to her senses in time and knew that it was not a good time to make a move.

Calmly retract the silver needle.

Following behind the young girl, she walked into the orc kingdom.

"Where's the leader?" After the girl came back, she grabbed someone and asked the leader's whereabouts.

"I don't know, I didn't see it, maybe I hid secretly to drink again." After the man finished speaking, he continued to squat down, continuing to be busy with the prey in his hands.

"I know, the leader is in retreat." A little boy got out from the crowd, trotted to the girl, and said with a smile.

The skin on his body is tanned, hey, hey, and when he talks, he will show a pair of sharp little canine teeth.

"Retreat?" The girl repeated the words of the little boy.

"Why retreat at this time?" The boy approached, and he was puzzled when he heard the little boy's words.

"It's a sudden retreat, but this time it shouldn't be too long. By the way, the leader gave me this before the retreat, so that I can show it to Sister Shuang'er when I see Sister Shuang'er coming back."

(End of this chapter)

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