Chapter 732

"Damn rascal, get out for my old lady!" When facing Jun Jiuxin, Hao Xingyue couldn't calm down at all, her teeth were itching with anger, but there was nothing she could do.

"Where are we going? The door? Or...?" Jun Jiuxin straightened his back with a smile.

" fucking move it again!" Hao Xingyue was completely mad with anger.

How could there be such a brazen and greedy hooligan in the world?

If she was given a knife now, Hao Xingyue would definitely stab that bastard's chest without hesitation.

Seeing her grinding her teeth, Jun Jiuxin smiled even more proudly, "Don't worry, baby, we still have a whole night to have a good physical exchange."

"You..." Hao Xingyue gritted her teeth, her chin was forced to rest on the man's shoulder, "You wait for me! After tonight, it will be your death day."

"Really?" Jun Jiuxin's movements remained unabated, but he was able to answer her words distractedly, "Then I have to enjoy it even more, after all, this is probably the last night of being romantic."

Hao Xingyue blushed with anger at his rascally words.

The calmness of the past has completely disappeared, and only the fantasy picture of how to torture this bastard to death is left in his mind.

A long night, a sleepless night.

When Hao Xingyue woke up, she felt sore and weak all over, especially her slender waist, which seemed to be broken in half.

If she couldn't still feel the soreness, she would have wondered if her waist was really broken.

She was raised as the wife of Mr. Xiao since she was a child, and she has undergone countless trainings, including how to make her body soft, and she has practiced dancing since she was a child.

But these are now cheaper than a disciple.

Thinking of how she was changed by that bastard last night, she felt ashamed and angrily wanted to kill him and then commit suicide.

Hao Xingyue looked around the house, but the smelly rascal was gone.

Most of the beds around me were empty, and it was still warm to the touch. It must have been a short time since I left.

The formation in the room was also untied.

After sweating all night, she recovered from the high fever, but her voice was hoarse and her mouth was extremely thirsty.

She turned her head and saw a large bowl of water beside her. Without thinking about it, she picked it up and drank it all.

"Knock knock."

"Xingyue, are you there?"

It's Xiao Ge'er.

Hao Xingyue suddenly didn't want Xiao Ge'er to know about this matter. She gritted her teeth, endured the discomfort in her body, put on her clothes, and took a picture in front of the bronze mirror to make sure that there was nothing on her body that shouldn't be exposed. Go over and open the door.

"Are you okay? I seemed to go to bed early last night. When I came back with Lang Ming, I knocked on your door, but I didn't hear your response."

"Oh, I was a little uncomfortable last night, so I lay down early."

This is not a lie. She did come back to lie down early last night because she was not feeling well, but no one expected that such a thing would happen after she lay down.

"Then are you okay now?" Jing Ge glanced at the messy bed behind Hao Xingyue, a little surprised.

With Hao Xingyue's character, everything in the house should be tidy, even if she just woke up, the bed shouldn't be so messy——

"I suddenly had a fever in the middle of the night last night, but I woke up this morning and I'm fine. The bed is a bit messy, so don't watch Geer." Hao Xingyue frightened and blocked Jing Ge's line of sight, lest she would see something wrong. .

Firstly, she felt ashamed about this matter, and secondly, she didn't want Geer to know about it, which would only add another person to worry about.

Ge'er thought she was being shy, so she didn't make things difficult for her, and looked away.

(End of this chapter)

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