First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 741 Please lie on the bed for a lifetime

Chapter 741 Please lie on the bed for the rest of your life
The thing on the back of his waist is definitely not an ordinary silver needle.

The woman behind her is by no means an ordinary person.

Gu Shijue put away the smirk on his face, and his face became gloomy.

"Little girl, you are young, don't play with needles, it's very dangerous." He straightened his waist, he didn't turn his head to look at Jing Ge, but his body breath changed.

"Give you three seconds to think about it and tell me the answer, or I'll ask you to lie in bed for the rest of your life."

"Hehe, which family's girl are you from? How can you say such nice things to threaten people." Gu Shijue still didn't show any fear.

He just put back that cynical smirk, the feeling of seeing people is still unfathomable, like a deep pool, the bottom cannot be seen at a glance.

"It's not yours anyway."

"Pfft." It was Jun Jiuxin who couldn't help laughing out loud.

This woman is really funny.

Gu Shijue couldn't help but laugh, he didn't expect Jing Ge to answer like this.

"You take the silver needle away, I'll tell you what I know, and of course you have to let me go." The last sentence, Gu Shijue said to Jun Jiuxin.

Jing Ge knew that she needed Jun Jiuxin's consent to release this person, so she also looked at Jun Jiuxin.

"No." Jun Jiuxin refused without thinking.

The tone used was non-negotiable.

After he finished speaking, he even turned around and left with a shake of his sleeves, leaving only Jing Ge with a dazed expression on his face.

There is also the smiling Gu Shijue.

At the foot of the mountain, after meeting with Zhang Yue, Lin Lansheng didn't want to wait any longer.

He called everyone together, and after eating and drinking enough, he set foot on the road up the mountain.

On the snowy land, one foot is deep and the other is shallow, and there is a long string of footprints winding behind him.

Halfway through the trip, snowflakes started to fall.

"It's snowing." Xuanyuan Che stretched out his hand and caught a snowflake. The snowflake instantly melted into ice water in his palm, which was a bit unusually cold.

"It's too damn cold, my bones are about to freeze." Li Chen gathered his coat and shrank his neck in.

"Boss, you have to go quickly. This place is really cold when it snows, and it's even colder at night. It can freeze people into ice sculptures." Zhang Yue has done research on the continuous mountains of the Black Volcano. Dare to say it is very detailed, but at least he knows more than these guys.

It's good that it doesn't snow in this place. Once it snows, you have to evacuate immediately, otherwise the temperature in the middle of the night will definitely freeze the living people into ice sculptures.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Lansheng glanced at Xuanyuanche.

This guy claims to enter the mountain once every three years, so he should know about this place.

Xuanyuanche met Lin Lansheng's gaze, squinted his eyes and smiled, opened his coat, leaned over and wrapped Lin Lansheng in it from the back, "Don't worry, Lin, I will protect you, if you get cold, I will put the clothes on I'll wear it for you."

Lin Lansheng: "..." You fucking took it off right away?Who the hell wants you to hug me like this.

But holding the body temperature of two people is indeed much warmer.

Lin Lansheng was a bit reluctant to part with such warmth, but it was outrageous for two big men to hug each other.

There is a group of his subordinates behind him, so he can't lose face.

So he turned around, walked out of Xuanyuanche's arms, swung the knife in the eye, cursed, and walked forward quickly, "It's getting dark, hurry up, or you'll be frozen into ice sculptures at night .”

As soon as the voice fell, the speed of the team behind him really increased.

(End of this chapter)

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