First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 748 Silver Bracelet Chapter Memory 2

Chapter 748 Silver Bracelet Memories 2
Qinglong: "It's a pity, lovers can't be married."

Jing Ge: "You are quite emotional."

Qinglong: "Hmph, the main hall is not born so small. The main hall in ancient times is a handsome, unrestrained and suave guy."

"Then you and Yanhuang, who is more handsome?"

"Of course this hall is more handsome, that ugly fellow Yanhuang is not even worthy of carrying shoes for this hall."

Jing Ge: "You don't seem to stutter anymore."

Qinglong: "Wh... what? Why are you... seductive woman looking at me like this, I... I won't obey you."

Jing Ge: "..." I didn't say anything.

After Jing Ge left Jun Jiuxin's residence, she went to the cave where Gu Shijue was imprisoned.

Sitting on the stone bench, Gu Shijue was not at all surprised to see her coming, with a faint smile on his face: "You are quite persistent."

"If you're not attached, how do you find the answer?" Jing Ge walked in and sat down in front of him generously.

"If you don't get what I want, even if you come a hundred times, my answer will still be the same." Gu Shijue said.

"Do you love Juno Blue?"

Jing Ge's words made Gu Shijue's calm expression crack, and he stood up excitedly: "How do you know Lanlan?"

Agitated, Gu Shijue held Jing Ge's arm tightly.

She moved a few times, broke away from his grasp, leaned back, as far away from Gu Shijue as possible, then took out the wooden box from the space, opened it, and let Gu Shijue see the silver bracelet inside , but did not give him a chance to touch.

"This is Lan Lan's silver bracelet, return it to me." Gu Shijue desperately pulled the chain on his feet, trying to get the wooden box in her hand.

The iron chain strangled his ankle with blood, but he continued to pull it as if he didn't feel any pain at all.

Jing Ge stood on the periphery of his farthest activity space, watched him struggle, and spoke after a long time: "Do you know why she died?"

Gu Shijue showed grief, his eyes were red, and he looked at Jing Ge angrily.

It seemed to be blaming her for bringing up this matter, which made him feel guilty.

If he hadn't quarreled with Lanlan back then, or hadn't slammed the door and left after the quarrel, but had stayed and coaxed Lanlan, nothing would have happened later.

Lan Lan also wouldn't want to end her own life.

He always thought Junolan died because of him.

Apart from wanting to get Jun Nuolan's silver bracelet, there was another very important reason for Gu Shijue to go up the mountain this time.

He doesn't want to live anymore.

He wanted to give Lanlan his life back.

I want Jun Jiuxin to kill him with his own hands.

It's just that Jun Jiuxin just locked him up, tortured him from time to time, and didn't intend to finish him at all.

"Do you know why she died?" Jing Ge did not rush to tell the reason, but asked him again.

She wanted to hear a different answer from him first.

"Because you quarreled with me." Gu Shijue's shoulders slumped, he staggered a few steps, and almost fell to the ground.

He retreated weakly until he sat back on the rock, covering his face with his hands, and hot tears flowed from the fingers of this man who had always pretended to be optimistic, strong and indifferent.

Accompanied by the whimpering sound.

Qinglong: "It's so pitiful, it seems that he thought that Jun Nuolan died because of him."

Thinking that he killed the person he loved the most, he fell into extreme guilt and pain, and even wanted to let his lover's brother know his life with his own hands, so as to avenge his lover!

(End of this chapter)

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