First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 774 Touching Porcelain

Chapter 774 Touching Porcelain
"I can feel that the breath of the stupid woman is very close." Yanhuang jumped down from a high place, holding a string of green and yellow lutes in her hand.

As soon as he jumped off the tree, he immediately rushed in a certain direction, not caring whether You Ji Mie behind him followed.

However, You Ji Mie's reaction speed was also very fast. Seeing him rushing forward, he immediately followed him quickly.

The long legs were faster and caught up with Yanhuang in a short while.

"Any news about Ge'er?" He asked.

"Yes, it's not far ahead, we can go there... bang." Yanhuang turned her head to talk to You Ji Mie, didn't pay attention to the front, and bumped into an old man accidentally.

"Oh, oh... my foot, my foot is broken!" The old man fell to the ground, hugging his leg, screaming non-stop.

After a while, many onlookers were attracted.

Seeing this scene, these onlookers began to point fingers at Yanhuang and Youjimie, mostly saying that they actually bullied an old man.

Yanhuang: "..." We have met Pengci!
"Oh, my leg is broken." The old man was dressed very ordinary, with patches all over his clothes, white hair on his temples, and a face wrinkled into old bark.

After Yanhuang knocked him down, the old man hugged You Jimier's leg, bursting into tears and snot, and began to cry bitterly: "My leg, my leg, you give me back my leg."

Yanhuang glanced at You Ji Mie with a guilty conscience, at this time You Ji Mie's expression was not very good-looking.

The old man looked as if he was about to be reincarnated in pain, and it seemed that he was really hurt by the bump.

But Yanhuang was a little puzzled, he was just walking just now?He is still a child's body now, how on earth did he knock an old man in sixties to the point of breaking his leg?
He couldn't figure it out, but You Ji Mie charged him with a very good crime.

You Ji Mie thought that Yan Huang did it on purpose.

In view of Yanhuang's previous experience of always deliberately making trouble for him, You Ji Mie gave Yanhuang a hard look, obviously thinking that he just hit someone on purpose and used special strength.

Otherwise, if a family and an old man were walking on the road properly, how could they break their legs after being hit?
Yanhuang glanced at You Ji Mie's eyes, and knew what he was thinking, and quickly waved his hand and said: "I don't, don't slander me, I'm really just walking, although I'm walking a little faster, it's impossible to You hit people like this." This is probably Pingci.

The old man who touched the porcelain still grabbed You Ji Mie's leg and refused to let go, and You Ji Mie didn't dare to struggle casually. He struggled a few times, and the old man could directly hold his chest and say that he had broken several ribs.

The condemnation of the onlookers grew louder.

Just when the two were at a loss, a delicate female voice came in.

"Okay, it's you old man again, you failed to blackmail me last time, and now you're here to lie again." The woman said, rushing over.

The woman was dressed in white, with a delicate and pleasant appearance. She raised her eyebrows when she spoke, and her face was a little more heroic.

The old man turned his head to see the woman's face clearly, he was obviously guilty and was about to run away.

The woman's movements were faster, directly pressing down on the old man violently, tearing off the human skin mask on the old man's face.

Showing a face of a middle-aged man——

The onlookers: " actually a liar."

Passerby A: "Let me just say, how could a half-grown child hit someone like this? This old man is not made of fermented bean curd, he will break if he touches it."

Yanhuang: "..." That's not what you said just now!
(End of this chapter)

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