Chapter 776

"Xiong Er, get the fuck out of me, and you're robbing me of business again, aren't you?" Xiong Zhuang's man was startled.

Along the way, the ground shook like an earthquake.

Soon, a man who was slightly smaller but also very strong came out from the Jixiang Inn opposite.

The two are surnamed Xiong, and they are also brothers. To save trouble, their parents named them Xiong Da Xiong Er directly.

Xiong Er's burly figure almost filled the entrance of the inn: "Xiong Da, what are you talking about, when did I steal your guest? Don't slander me, I am innocent."

"You are innocent, my people just said that two guests ran from me to yours, how dare you say that you are innocent:" Xiong rolled up his sleeves during the interval of cursing, showing a thick and thick face. arm.

The muscles in that arm are bigger than the forehead of the waiter next door.

Xiong Da Xiong Er stood at the entrances of their respective inns, like two fierce door gods, who occasionally passed by, panicked and fled away quickly.

"Hmph, don't bully me, be careful when I go home and tell my mother!" Xiong Er also rolled up his sleeves.

It seemed that the two wanted to have a fight.

Jing Ge heard the movement, opened the window from the second floor, and looked out.

Bear Big Bear Two?


But the figure of these two people is really similar to that of a bear.

Could it be that he really has bear blood on his body.

"Ge'er, I want to see it too." Lang Ming's short legs couldn't reach the window, so he could only beg Jing Ge to pick him up.

Jing Ge obediently hugged Lang Ming, and when Lang Ming saw it, he pointed at Xiong Da Xiong Er, waved his paw and said, "Xiong Xiong, what a big bear!"

Jing Ge: "That's not a bear, that's someone who looks like a bear."

Lang Ming listened to her words, tilted his head in doubt, thought for a while, and continued to point at Xiong Da Xiong Er, his pink mouth opened, and shouted: "Bear, bear, it's a bear, such a big bear... ..."

The masked man suddenly came over, glanced at the window, and said, "It's indeed a bear."

"Go away." Lang Ming's sight was blocked by him, and the little guy unceremoniously scratched a few nail marks on his thick arm with his claws.

The masked man didn't care, he just turned his body sideways and returned his gaze to Langming.

A group of people are eating in a box.

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

Jing Ge was about to ask who it was.

Qinglong's voice reached her ears: "The smelly Phoenix is ​​here."

Jing Ge: "You mean the one outside the door is Yanhuang?"

She put Lang Ming down as she spoke, and went to open the door herself.

"Stupid woman, it's too late to open the door." Standing outside the door were two figures, one big and one small, one was Yanhuang, the other was You Ji Mie.

When Yanhuang opened the door, her eyes were filled with displeasure.

The eyes of You Ji Mie beside him were a little red, and he choked up and called out: "Ge'er."

"You remember?"

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have forgotten you." You Ji Mie had strong guilt in his eyes, and his voice choked up.

Jing Ge laughed, and said calmly: "It's okay, it's not something you can control, just think about it."

When You Ji Mie entered the room, he realized that there were already many people around Ge er.

And he was no longer the only person around Ge er.

Thinking of this, You Ji Mie felt even more lonely in his heart, sitting in the crowd, he could still see the loneliness deep in his brows.

Jing Ge briefly introduced them to each other.

When it finally landed on the man in the mask, she got stuck, "I don't know your name yet?" She asked along the way.

A narrow smile flashed in his eyes.

It seems that he asked this question on purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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