Chapter 780
Chu Xiaojie whispered to Meng Feifei beside him: "This is too much to lose, 5000 taels of gold."

Meng Feifei nodded in agreement.

From the beginning to the end, no one was prepared to hand a handkerchief to the lovely and pitiful little girl to wipe away her tears.

Jing Ge glanced at the group of straight men... Sure enough, everyone is single based on their ability.

"Hurry up and hand over the person to us, otherwise don't blame us for being rude." The bald head snapped.

"Ah Mie, do you know her?"

"I encountered a little trouble on the street yesterday, and she helped me out." You Ji Mie said indifferently.

"I see." Jing Ge said.

Since he is a benefactor, that person is saved.

During their conversation, a lot of people gathered behind the bald head on the opposite side. After a rough count, there were at least twenty people.


5000 taels of gold.

Jing Ge hooked her lips.

"These 5000 taels of gold, did you lose in one day?" She asked Su Ying.

Su Ying nodded crying: "Yes, I lost so much in just half a day. I don't know what happened. When I woke up, that person said that I owed so much money. escaped."

When Chu Xiaojie heard the words, his eyes widened even more, and he lost so much in a long time. Maybe this girl just gambled heavily?

"How much do you owe the underground bank?" Jing Ge asked again.

Su Ying seemed to have heard Chu Xiaojie's whisper, her earlobes turned red with embarrassment, and said in a low voice, "Ben, I originally borrowed 50 taels of silver, but for some reason, they said we owed 500 taels of gold , so much we couldn't get out, so we had to gamble later, and it turned out..."

As she spoke, she began to cry again.

The speed of shedding tears almost caught up with Qinglong.

Just looking at Jing Ge, she was afraid that she would cry herself to death.

"I see." Jing Ge said, combining these words, whether it is the underground bank or the Wanfeng Casino, there is definitely something tricky.

She turned around, faced the bald head, and said coldly: "I will pay off the debt for her, but before that, you guys take me to the casino and lend me the gambling capital.

After that, win or lose. "

The bald head was a little surprised when he heard the words, and then a thin man behind him, who looked like a mouse, leaned into the bald head's ear and whispered.

The eyes of the two fell on Jing Ge from time to time, as if they were looking at whether the product was qualified enough.

Jing Ge pretended not to notice anything strange about them.

"Okay, but you can only come three people, and she must be together." The bald head said.

Jing Ge took a look and said, "Okay, Xingyue, you can go with us."

You Ji Mie frowned worriedly: "Ge'er, this is too dangerous, I'd better go with you."

Jing Ge just smiled and said: "Don't worry, nothing will happen." As she spoke, she leaned close to You Ji Mie's ear, and said in a voice that only two people could hear: "This Wanfeng Casino must be tricky. Time, hide outside and cooperate with us inside and outside, I have Qinglong and Yanhuang on my body, nothing will happen."

"Be careful in everything." You Ji Mie thought for a while, and felt that what she said made sense, so he didn't continue to insist.

Jing Ge made a reassuring gesture to him, and then walked forward.

Xingyue took a look at Su Ying who was hiding behind You Ji Mie anxiously and did not dare to come out, walked over directly, and grabbed Su Ying's wrist: "Let's go, we are helping you, if you don't go, then change We walked."

The implication was that if Su Ying didn't keep up, they would just leave as if they hadn't encountered this matter, and they would just leave. Anyway, the matter didn't have much to do with them.

Hearing this, Su Ying gritted her teeth and followed Xingyue out.

(End of this chapter)

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