First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 782 It's Easier Than Robbing Money

Chapter 782 It's Easier Than Robbing Money

The whole table began to bet with Jing Ge, whichever side she bet on, these people followed.

As if the God of Gamblers was present.

An hour later.

In front of Jing Ge, 5000 taels of gold had already been piled up.

She tapped the table lightly, seemingly considering which side to bet on.

The people next to her were also waiting for her action.

As for the person in charge of the gaming table, his face was pale, and he looked like he was about to faint.

The bald man's face didn't look too good either, he also called someone over and whispered a few words in that person's ear.

The man nodded and glanced at Jing Ge before leaving.

These are very subtle movements, Su Ying didn't notice, but Jing Ge did.

She and Hao Xingyue looked at each other indiscriminately.


"5000 taels of gold, all her debts are here." Jing Ge withdrew her hand, not intending to continue gambling.

The people who followed her and made a lot of money all showed regret when they saw that she stopped betting. After all, it is rare to meet such a gambler who can win no matter what he bets.

Jing Ge didn't miss the gambling table, and turned to leave, but was stopped by the bald head.

"Wait a moment."

Jing Ge raised his eyebrows: "Didn't the money be paid back to you?"

The bald head smiled and said, "Originally, I only owed 5000 taels of gold, but it was delayed for a while, so the interest was rolled according to the industry regulations, and now there is an extra 500 taels... Hehe, gold."

Hao Xingyue scolded angrily: "In just such a short period of time, the interest has increased by 5000 taels, why don't you go grab the money?"

Bald and smiling: "It's much easier to get money than stealing money."

Jing Ge: "..." There is actually some truth to what he said.

"So you still can't go out, unless you can return the 500 taels together." The bald head rubbed his hands.

Jing Ge squinted at him and confirmed what was in her heart. They really didn't want money, but wanted to keep them... As for keeping the three beautiful women, what did they want to do, but the result was terrible. One can imagine.

"Okay, let's play again." Jing Ge seemed to respond casually.

Those who stayed by the gaming table and hadn't left yet saw her coming back to place bets, and they all got excited.

Of course Jing Ge knew what the bald head was up to, it was nothing more than wanting her to continue gambling, delaying time, buying a certain amount of time for the person who left just now.


In her eyes, Jing Ge, who is the hunter and who is the prey may not be sure.

While thinking, Jing Ge made a bet.

There is no doubt that the people next to her followed her and continued to bet.

Some bets are pretty big.

The person in charge of the gaming table was pale, the blood from his lips had faded, and the hand holding the cup was trembling. If it wasn't for his bald head to hint him to continue, this person might have fled in despair.



Jing Ge wins.

"The money is enough." Jing Ge didn't count her bargaining chips, but she knew that it must be enough to pay off the debt.

She took a stack of silver bills from it, and counted it was exactly 500 taels of gold... She gave the money to Su Ying.

Su Ying was so grateful that she burst into tears.

"Thank you, thank you, you are really a nice person."

"How is it? The money is also returned, can we leave?" Jing Ge glanced at the bald head.

At this time, there was a person in the distance who made a gesture with the bald head. The bald head secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Of course it's possible. I'll send the young ladies out."

The bald head thought he was doing it very secretly, but he didn't know that from the beginning to the end, all his small movements did not escape Jing Ge's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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