Chapter 787
The simple clay tile houses looked dilapidated and crumbling outside, but after entering, they found that the inside was very clean.

"Sister, Dad just coughed up blood." A beautiful boy rushed out, hugged Su Ying's feet, and reported the situation in a panic.

The little boy was about eleven or twelve years old, he looked a little thin due to malnutrition, when he rushed out, he saw Jing Ge and Hao Xingyue walking behind.

The little boy was afraid of strangers, a newcomer suddenly came to the house, and he hid behind Su Ying anxiously.

Su Ying patted the little boy's head: "Su Mo, send hello to the sisters, these two sisters are here to help us."

Su Mo nodded when he heard the words, and said obediently, "Hello, sister."

Jing Ge smiled back, took a bag of dried fruit snacks from the space, and handed it to Su Mo.

Su Mo didn't dare to take it at first, swallowed his saliva, and glanced at Su Ying quietly, until Su Ying nodded in agreement, Su Mo took it timidly, and then thanked Jing Ge.

Jing Ge followed Su Ying into the house.

A skinny old man was lying on the bed. When they walked in, the old man was coughing violently. After a while, he coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Su Ying was startled, rushed over quickly, helped the old man up, cried and shouted: "Daddy, Daddy, don't scare Xiaoying."

"Cough, cough, cough..." The old man coughed violently again, and after a while, he barely opened his yellowed eyes, glanced at Su Ying, swept across the faces of Jing Ge and Hao Xingyue, and the vicissitudes of life sounded: "Who are these two?"

"Father, these two ladies were invited by Sakura to come back to treat Father's illness. Miss is a genius doctor, and she will definitely cure Father's illness."

"Cough cough cough... life and death are fate, Dad knows his body, but he is worried about you two siblings... cough cough cough... your mother left early, and I will be left to bring you up, but now ... Cough cough cough... I'm afraid I won't be able to stay with you for long." The old man obviously didn't believe that Jing Ge, who looked so young, would have the ability to cure his illness.

After all, even the doctor said his illness was incurable.

He knew that his life was not long.

The only worry is the two children.

On the one hand, he is reluctant to bear the child, and on the other hand, he feels that living in such a sick body as himself is a kind of torture to the child.

He wanted to commit suicide many times so that the child could be freed, but he was really reluctant to part with the two children, so he procrastinated again and again.

If the old man knew that in order to save his illness, Su Ying even went to the underground bank to borrow money, gambled at the Wanfeng Casino, and was almost sold into a brothel, he would have been pissed to death.

However, no one will tell him these things.

Jing Ge also saw the mistrust in the old man's eyes.

She walked over, asked the old man to stretch out his hand, checked his pulse for a while, and then looked at the old man's eyeballs and tongue coating, and after probably knowing what the disease was, she backed away a few steps.

She said to Su Ying: "Prepare some hot water and wipe your father's body. I will perform acupuncture later. After the injection, I will give you some medicine. Take it on time for a while, and you will get better."

This is a stubborn disease suffered by the elderly for a long time, and it is not so easy to completely recover.

But after the acupuncture, combined with taking medicine, he can slowly get better, at least he can save his life.

Upon hearing this, Su Ying thanked her repeatedly, and immediately rushed out to greet her younger brother Su Mo, and went to the kitchen to boil water.

(End of this chapter)

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