First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 791 The Whereabouts of the Tiger and Leopard 4

Chapter 791 The Whereabouts of the Tiger and Leopard 4
It's just that these rough guys are good at practicing martial arts, and they're a waste of help in the kitchen. It's easy to throw pots and chopsticks. Ask them to help make chicken soup, and throw the chicken and its feathers into the pot directly, even the chicken feces are still there ...

If Meng Feifei hadn't discovered it early, there would be no chicken soup tonight.

Things like this don't happen too often in the kitchen.

Meng Feifei was so angry that he wanted to sharpen his knife to kill several times...

In the end, Hao Xingyue couldn't bear it any longer, and went to the back kitchen, and began to guide the group of guys to help the kitchen.

With a careful woman as a guide, this group of guys barely came into use, and Meng Feifei also stopped wanting to sharpen his knife to kill people.

Jing Ge, Lin Lansheng, and Xuanyuan Che were discussing in the hall.

And arranged Zhang Yue, Li Gui and Li Chen brothers to go out to find out the news.

Xuanyuan Che was quite familiar with Luoyue City, so he explained some locations and precautions one by one, while Jing Ge listened carefully and asked a few questions from time to time.

The three talked for a long time until dinner was ready.

Meng Feifei's culinary skills are getting better and better, so there is a picture of a group of strong men fighting around the dish.

"This last pig's trotter is mine, you fucking loosen the chopsticks for me."

"Don't let go, don't let go of the chopsticks if you kill me, if I can't eat this piece of pig's trotter today, I will be in a hurry with you."

"Shut up all of you, I'm obviously the one who fell in love with this first, I'll eat it!"

"Don't make any noise, I'm the oldest, I eat."

"Fuck, I'm young, do you love children, okay? Give me food, and I'll grow up."

"How much do you fucking grow, you have been so short in your life."

"Fart, I don't eat it, and a few handfuls are longer than yours."

Then...then there was no more, these two guys who were taller than each other got off the dining table and ran aggressively to an empty corner.

Jing Ge thought they were going to fight in private to solve the problem.

Jing Ge never dissuades such things as fighting.

Some feelings, the more they fight, the deeper they become.

In the end, he faintly heard the voice coming back from the other side.

"Measure it. I use the distance from the thumb to the middle finger. Yours is the distance from the thumb to the index finger. Which one is longer and which is shorter?"

"Fart, you are using your hand to measure, just your hand like a woman, measure a few, you are not as long as my middle finger, don't force me."

"Dug, you touched me a few times."

"How dare you touch me, bite me... I'll rub it, you fucking bite me..."


The scene in the back is too bad, Jing Ge directly blocked Harmony.

This group of people have practiced and learned martial arts with my uncle since they were young, and the credit for being able to develop such an open personality is not small——

Jing Ge licked the corners of her lips as she ate the pig's feet in the bowl.

pretty good.

With such a group of heartless guys accompanying my little uncle, it wouldn't make my little uncle feel too lonely alone.

A noisy dinner didn't end until the moon was up.

Jing Ge slumped on the chair, looking at the bright moon hanging high in the sky, lost in thought.

The moons in the three space-times are all the same.

Bright yellow, cloudy and sunny, the moon is half crescent tonight, it looks like a smiling face hanging in the sky.

"Come and have a drink." Lin Lansheng walked up to her and handed her a glass of wine.

Although Jing Ge's alcohol tolerance is not very good, but it's okay to drink a few glasses once in a while.

She took the wine glass, glanced at the slightly drunk little uncle, raised her glass and touched him.

"Bang." The cups collided and made a crisp sound.

(End of this chapter)

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