Chapter 794
"Otherwise, who else do you think is there? Your sweetheart, Bai Yeling? He won't come to save you, and he doesn't even know you're here." There was a hint of jealousy in Mozun's voice.

Jing Ge didn't have the slightest doubt about this, and it was even more unexpected that Bai Yeling would put on such a play-eating his own jealousy!

When Jing Ge heard this, he remembered that he had lied to Uncle Bai, saying that he had someone he liked, and that person was Bai Yeling, the owner of Qianniao Pavilion.

Jing Ge: "..." Does this count as shooting yourself in the foot?

Hiss, inexplicable foot pain.

"You've been following me all this time? From the main city of Fengyue Kingdom to Luoyue City? Are you still acting like a pervert in the middle of the night, using your mental power to control me?" Jing Ge tilted his upper body and pressed his face closer so that he could The momentum looks stronger.

It's just that she is still too far behind the Supreme Demon Realm. No matter how powerful she is, she is only the skin of the Demon Supreme.

In order not to make her feel sad when she found out, Mozun also thoughtfully hid his aura.


"Why? Why me?" Jing Ge asked while holding the knife tighter.

"Probably because you are good-looking, I like good-looking people." Mozun said.

"Fart, there are so many good-looking people, don't you want to like them all?" Jing Ge gritted his teeth.

"No, you are special, and you are also the most beautiful. I have traveled all over Kyushu for so long, and I have never seen anyone more beautiful than you."

"My figure is not good enough, the front is not convex and the back is not warped, you like it too?"

"I like it. If you feel that your figure is not good enough and you feel inferior, I can massage you every day until your figure becomes better..."

The more Jing Ge listened, the more he felt that something was wrong, until he saw the evil smile on the corner of his mouth becoming more and more obvious.

Only to realize that he was teasing himself all the time.

Ever since this guy exposed his true side, he was no longer the warm uncle Bai in her impression.

He was so angry that he almost cut his main artery with a knife: "Don't talk nonsense, be careful and finish you with a knife."

"Are you willing?" Mozun didn't care about the knife she put on his neck, he raised his hand to touch Jing Ge's face, and said with a smile: "I don't know why I like you so much. After falling in love with you, it's like being poisoned, and I want to see you every day."

"A man's smooth talk is untrustworthy." Jing Ge slapped his hand open.

"If you don't try, how will you know if what this deity said is true?" Mozun suddenly turned over and pressed her under him.

"Bang Dang." The dagger in his hand fell to the ground.

Jing Ge's hand was pressed on the side of the head by the Mozun, and when the tall man was on top, it gave her a great sense of oppression.

"After I try it with you, will I still have my life to get out?"

"No, because you will definitely be reluctant to quit." Mozun laughed, his voice was low and sexy, as if the sound of a cello sounded in his ears.

"Since you like me so much, how about we make a deal?" Jing Ge looked directly into Mozun's eyes without any timidity in his eyes.

If you can save your younger brother, it's okay to sacrifice a little bit.

She wanted to borrow a certain number of demons from the Demon Lord, and the demons could appear directly in the city without worrying about entering the city.

"Tell me, what do you want from this deity?" Bai Yeling pinched her chin and rubbed it lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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