First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 796 Take the initiative to kiss him 3

Chapter 796 Take the initiative to kiss him 3
Mozun sneered in his heart.

Since gentleness can't impress you, then it's better to be tough - in this life, no matter what, you can only be the deity's woman, and you can only bear children for the deity.

Anyone who dares to touch the deity will only die.

Jing Ge couldn't hear what he was saying in his heart, and could only vaguely feel that the black aura around him became much stronger, and the temperature in the room dropped suddenly, so cold that she couldn't help shrinking into his arms.

Then, when I heard the man's deep laughter, I realized that he did it on purpose.

If it weren't for the fact that she had to borrow the devil's troops from this man, she really wanted to pierce the aorta in his neck with a needle.

make you laugh.

Mozun stared at her for a while, then suddenly turned her around, tore off the skirt, and lightly bit her collarbone.

The tooth marks made yesterday have deepened a lot.

Jing Ge was itchy and wanted to push him away, but she stretched her hand halfway, then suddenly let go.

After a while.

Mozun stopped biting her, raised his head, stared at her face with his drunken eyes unblinking, and when his eyes fell on her swollen lips, Bai Yeling gently rubbed her with his thumb. After a while, he said, "It's swollen."

Jing Ge gritted her teeth: "You didn't do it." If the swelling doesn't subside when she wakes up tomorrow, she will insert a silver needle into his waist eye next time.

Just like Murong Fu, the crown prince who punished Xuanyue Kingdom back then.

See if he is afraid.

"When do you want someone?" Mozun's hand gently brushed her cheek, feeling the white and tender skin like egg white.

Compared to when he first met her.

She has grown taller now and is becoming more and more beautiful.

Counting, she should be 15 years old now.

A girl from an ordinary family has already found a lover, married a wife, and had children, but she is still running around... He can tell that the woman in his arms is different from ordinary women.

She has her own ideas and her own ambitions.

It is precisely because of these that she attracts him more and more, and keeps him in his dreams all day and all night.

"The sooner this matter is resolved, the better, so I set the time for tomorrow." She said, suddenly thought of something, looked up at Demon Lord, and asked: "How can I find you tomorrow?"

"This deity is always by your side, as long as you shout, this deity will appear." Bai Yeling said and bit her ear again.

This made Jing Ge have to wonder whether this person was a dog in his previous life and why he always liked to bite people.

"Okay, I'll call you out when I need it, but keep a low profile and don't scare my uncle, I don't want him to worry." The exchange was offered by her.

She won't regret it, and she won't feel that there is anything wrong with doing it.

However, Lin Lansheng is the few relatives she has left in this world.

She didn't want him to worry.

"It's okay if you want the deity to agree. If you take the initiative to kiss the deity, the deity will agree, how about it?"

"You..." Jing Ge didn't expect him to make such a shameless request, and was immediately annoyed.

"It's fine if you don't agree, don't blame..." Mozun didn't finish his sentence, because Jing Ge hastily blocked his mouth.

The woman who always gives people a very strong impression, when she is in love, she is as stupid as a child who has just learned to walk.

Not to mention no skill, he bumped into him directly, and his teeth hit the demon's lips.

Beads of blood just flowed out.

(End of this chapter)

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