First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 798 Rescue Brother 1

Chapter 798 Rescue Brother 1
Jing Ge nodded and said, "I slept pretty well." I don't know if it was because the sandalwood scent on that guy was so good, but last night in his arms, she had a good sleep that she hadn't slept in for a long time. up.

"Are you nervous?" Although she has always been very strong, in Lin Lansheng's eyes, she is always just a little girl who needs to be loved.

"Not nervous." Ge'er shook her head.

At night, after the men and horses assembled.

A group of people moved separately, and at the same time gathered around the mansion of the Fourth Prince Xuanyuanmu.

The moon is a little dark tonight, which just gives them a chance to hide.

Jing Ge stood in front of the crowd, turned around and said, "I'll go in first to investigate the situation, you guys are lurking outside, don't move around casually."


Alone, Jing Ge climbed over the wall and entered the Fourth Prince's residence.

Relying on her petite stature, she avoided the patrolling servants behind the rockery, and then walked quickly to Xuanyuan Mu's residence.

Before coming in, she discussed with Xuanyuan Che about Xuanyuan Mu's personality, and found some answers from it.

Xuanyuanche said that according to Xuanyuanmu's personality, if he gets a half-orc, he will definitely hide him by his side. No one can trust a person like him except himself.

What Xuanyuan Che said at the time was: "Xuanyuan Mu must be a precious half-orc. According to his habits, he will probably arrange your brother near his residence. After you go in, start searching from the place where he lives."

Jing Ge nodded and said: "Okay, when I find out my brother's whereabouts, I will notify you immediately. You are attacking the prince's mansion outside, and I will cooperate inside and outside, and take the opportunity to steal my brother back."

Lin Lansheng said: "This plan is feasible, but how will you notify us when the time comes?"

"Have you forgotten, little uncle? I have two contract beasts, the fire phoenix and the blue dragon. When the time comes, I will leave the blue dragon outside and bring Yanhuang in. After I find my younger brother, I can immediately let Yanhuang use their ancient beasts The induction between the two gave Qinglong a hint that at that time you will start attacking based on the information he got."

When people from outside started to attack, there would definitely be chaos in the mansion. At that time, Jing Ge could take advantage of the chaos to rescue his younger brother.

After Jing Ge finished speaking, he also called out Qinglong and Yanhuang together, explained his plan again, and asked them if it was feasible.

Yanhuang nodded and said: "Of course, I just don't know if this idiot will screw things up."

Qinglong pursed his lips and cursed angrily: "This hall won't mess it up, hum, you stinky phoenix, just don't send false news to this hall on purpose."

Yanhuang cast a sideways glance at Qinglong: "Do you think everyone is as childish as you?" Yanhuang, who had recovered part of her strength, began to develop physically, and was already a head taller than Qinglong.

In terms of momentum, Qinglong was completely defeated.

"Hmph." Qinglong could only grit his teeth, stomped his feet, and hid behind Jing Ge in aggrieved manner.

Jing Ge suddenly had the illusion that she opened her own kindergarten.

The memory ends here.

Jing Ge came out from behind the rockery, followed the route written on the blueprint, all the way to the Fourth Prince's mansion.

Before Jing Ge got close, he heard the singing and dancing coming from inside.

At this point in time, Xuanyuan Mu was still chatting and drinking with his friends, so it was inevitable to call Kabuki to sing and dance to add to the fun.

Jing Ge glanced quietly and saw that they were having a good time drinking.

He backed out quietly again.

She walks very fast.

Searches are faster.

(End of this chapter)

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