First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 810 The Demon Lord With Flaws

Chapter 810 The Demon Lord With Flaws

Seeing his hands, Jing Di snorted, circled Jing Ge's head, and nestled her face on Jing Ge's chest, quietly and silently, leaving only the back of Mozun's head black.

Mozun: "..." This kid really wants to spank his ass.

He is the majestic supreme being of the devil world, and a little brat kid put his ass on him...

Jing Ge's love for her younger brother made Mozun wish he could become a little child in her arms, so that he could get her love.

It's a pity that even if he becomes that little thing, Ge'er won't pay attention to him.

The two walked around the street for a while, foodie Jing Ge had a foodie younger brother, and Jing Di wanted to have a taste of everything Geer ate.

If Jing Ge doesn't give him food, Jing Di will babble and yell non-stop, and even pull Jing Ge's collar with her hands, leaning her neck, trying to snatch the food from her hand.

Looking at such a cute younger brother, Jing Ge couldn't hold back.

I broke it up and fed my brother a lot of food.

As a result, when she returned to the Demon Palace, she regretted it.

Jing Di's stomach is too fragile.

After eating too many messy things, I started to have stomach troubles and stinky diarrhea when I returned to the magic palace.

The stench that comes out is very smelly, and the stench can faint people in a room.

Jing Di felt sick to his stomach and hummed in pain. He still couldn't speak, couldn't express his feelings, so he could only convey the news that he was unwell by crying.

When Jing Dila was stinking, the Mozun was also there. If it was any other child, the Mozun would have left long ago.

But this child is Ge er's favorite younger brother.

So he resisted, stayed, and quickly asked the nanny to come over to help Jing Di clean up and put on new clean clothes.

The clothes were prepared the moment he brought Ge'er back to the Demon Palace. Although the time was short, the quality and style of the small clothes were good, especially suitable for Jing Di to wear.

Jing Ge checked Jing Di's health and immediately prescribed medicine.

Let the servants take it to decoct the medicine.

I was in the room, hugged my brother and started coaxing him.

It wasn't until the servants brought the medicine, Jing Ge fed Jing Di to drink, and the younger brother's stomach pain gradually became less uncomfortable, that he gradually calmed down.

But he still nestled in Jing Ge's arms aggrieved, sniffing non-stop, his appearance was really pitiful and lovable.

Rang Ge'er was reluctant to put him down until he was tired from crying and fell asleep.

When Jing Di fell asleep, there were still tears in the corners of her eyes, and she looked pitiful.

Jing Ge took out a clean little white towel, wiped away his brother's tears, then put him on the bed and covered him with a quilt.

"Asleep?" Mozun waited outside the door and asked when he saw her come out.

"Yeah." Jing Ge nodded: "I'm here with my younger brother tonight, he's not feeling well, I have to watch over him."

"it is good."

"The Mozun actually brought a woman back." The black-haired man sat lazily on the chair, with black vine totems drawn in the corners of his eyes, and the eyeballs were green. When he spoke, his lips were full of sarcasm. laugh.

"Isn't this a good thing? A lord with a weakness is no longer invincible." Behind the man with black hair, stood a man with an expressionless face, a pair of white pupils, and a strange aura.

"Hehe, that's true. Arrange people to go down and find out what the origin of that woman is. Know yourself, know your enemy, and win every battle. This time, Mozun will not be so lucky." Han Jiang smiled wantonly.

(End of this chapter)

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