First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 827 The Familiar Sandalwood Smell

Chapter 827 The Familiar Sandalwood Smell
The princess of the Yaozu was delighted, and when she looked at Jing Ge again, there was disdain in her eyes, she thought.

If you can't get fat, this princess won't.

After this princess gets fat and gets favored by the Lord, I will settle accounts with you.

Seeing that it was almost time, Jing Ge left the table first: "It's getting late, I have to go back and see Xiao Di, goodbye."

As soon as she left, the Yaozu princess immediately vomited...

"Princess, do you really want to gain weight?" The maidservants who followed the Yaozu princess from Yaozu became worried when they saw how the Yaozu princess kept forcing herself to eat and getting fatter day by day.

The princess's physique belongs to the fat-prone physique.

I was very fat when I was a child, but a few years ago, I was stimulated and suddenly lost weight.

She finally looked better, but now she has to get fat again because of the Demon Realm Supreme.

"Didn't you hear what she said? The lord likes fat women." The Yaozu princess swallowed too fast and almost choked. After drinking a big mouthful of tea, she burped a lot and asked another maid : "Baba, how much did you eat today?"

The servant girl said: "The table was full after eating."

The Yaozu princess rubbed her overstretched stomach, and said: "Go, continue to serve this princess. This princess must eat more than her, and get fat before her."

After a while, the Yaozu princess said again: "I will definitely get fat first."

The maids: "..." Why does this sound so wrong?

Another half month passed.

Jing Ge was taken aback when he saw the Yaozu princess again.

In just half a month, the Yaozu princess has gained a lot of weight.

The Yaozu princess and Jing Ge came face to face, looking at the still thin Jing Ge, the Yaozu princess puffed up her chest proudly, then strode past her.

When she passed by, Jing Ge felt the ground shaking.

This person's physique is a balloon, right?It's only been half a month, and he's become fat like this. If he continues to eat, won't he even be unable to enter the door?

Tsk tsk, Jing Ge shook his head.

That night, news came from the small courtyard where Jing Ge lived.

The monster princess confessed to the lord, but was ruthlessly kicked out of the room in the end. When the fat princess went out, her feet were too heavy to lift up, and she couldn't cross the threshold, so she tripped and fell.

Fall into doggy style.


The Venerable Master had no intention of pity for the fragrance and the jade, he didn't even look at it, and directly slammed the door.

When the maids talked about this, they spoke vividly.

Jing Ge pursed her lips and smiled.

Sweeping away the haze in my heart a few days ago, I feel happier.

When I went out, I even hummed a little song.

She was going to take her brother out for a walk next door.

As a result, he reached the door and almost bumped into someone.

The familiar sandalwood fragrance instantly enveloped her.

"My lord, is there anything wrong with coming to see me so early?" During the time in the demon world, as long as the lord was in the magic palace, the lord would sneak into her room through the window at night, and sleep with her in his arms.

Covered with a quilt and just chatting and sleeping, the most will be a kiss.

Several times, Jing Ge could feel the big guy being pushed behind his buttocks, but Mozun still didn't make any further movements. When he couldn't take it anymore, he would quietly stay up while Jing Ge fell asleep, and go out to wash Take a cold shower, and then come back, with a comfortable chill, and hold Ge'er in his arms.

In the hot summer season, Jing Ge yearns for his cool body temperature, and will always involuntarily lean into his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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