First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 834 Absolutely No Credit

Chapter 834 Absolutely No Credit
He put his arm around the shoulder of the magic flute, hooked the magic flute and walked inside.

The magic flute was hugged by him, unable to break away immediately, he could only say displeasedly: "Second young master, I'm only a month younger than you, can you not say that I'm younger, you are an older brother?"

He is not young, and there is no smallness there.

"Of course not. Even if I'm only one day older than you, I'm still your elder brother. Besides, I'm a whole month older than you. If you want to protest, go back and tell your mother, and ask her why she didn't give birth to you earlier. , instead of discussing brother and brother issues with me here, understand? You are one month younger than me, this is a doomed thing from birth, no matter how much you eat and struggle in your life, you will be one month younger than me, understand?"

Bai Changle spoke quickly, and a bunch of trash talk came out.

The magic flute shook his head: "I don't understand."

"My younger brother should listen to my elder brother. You are a younger brother, so you should listen to me. Do you understand now?" Bai Changle said with a smile.

Looking at the magic flute that he said was dizzy by his success, Bai Changle was very happy.

With his arms around the magic flute, he strode inside.

His eyes quickly fixed on the gambling table, he quickly leaned over, took out a bag of silver that was not yet hot, and prepared to throw it all down.

Seeing this, Modi's expression changed, and he seized the right moment and quickly stepped forward, snatching back the money bag from Bai Changle's hand.

"Second young master, you can't gamble directly. If you lose all of it at once, you will have no money later." Fortunately, he is quick, otherwise if he buys it and leaves the bag, he will not be able to get it back.

"Fart, my young master's gambling luck is good, he will definitely double it, you give me back the money bag, give it back to me." Bai Changle chased the magic flute for the money bag.

The magic flute refused to give it, and the two started chasing.

"Second young master, you can play if you want, but you can't gamble. How about this, I will give you 50 taels of silver, and you can play with it as you like, as long as you want." The magic flute took out 50 taels of silver from the money bag, After counting, there were two taels more, and I threw it back into the bag.

Bai Changle was so angry that he jumped up and down.

This iron cock really doesn't give me one or two more!

"You don't believe in this young master's gambling luck? How dare you not believe it? This young master has won at least a hundred times since he gambled."

Magic Flute: "..."

Absolutely not a hundred times, I have won a few times by fighting to the death, and I have lost at least a thousand times.

Everyone in the Demon Palace knows how bad the second young master's gambling luck is, including this casino of course.

So the moment they saw Er Shao enter the door, everyone's eyes lit up, especially just now, when Er Shao was about to throw the money bag down, the person in charge of dealing the cards looked straight at him.

After Er Shao was stopped by him, the man actually dared to stare at the magic flute.

It seems to be blaming the magic flute for daring to stop them from making money.

For the people in the gambling house, the second young master is their big boss, who loses whatever they bet on, and likes to gamble a lot, is confident in his own gambling luck, loses repeatedly, and becomes more frustrated and courageous.

If Er Shao's obsession and tenacity were put into practice, at this time, he would have been extraordinary.

"It's just such a small amount of money, it's not enough for fun." Bai Changle weighed the 50 taels of silver in his hand, feeling depressed.

"Second Young Master, don't you think you are lucky? Bet 50 taels, and after doubling, you can get 100 taels." The magic flute began to trick Bai Changle, and said: "There is one more thing, we have to first Make it clear, Second Young Master, once you lose all the chips in your hand, we will leave here immediately, absolutely no credit, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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