Chapter 846

"No, some people come in to practice or want to contract a powerful contracted beast to go out. The environment here in the Magic Forest is very harsh and dangerous. There are often high-level fierce beasts or spirit beasts and divine beasts appearing. Even plants can eat people. .”

"Ah." There was a scream from behind.

Mo Li swung his knife and chopped off a cane.

Grabbing You Chan with one hand, he pulled him back.

Jing Ge glanced back, just in time to see the scene of You Zhan being dragged away by a rattan that suddenly protruded from the grass.

If Moli hadn't reacted quickly and cut off the rattan in time, I'm afraid Youzhen would be eaten by the plants.

You Yan had a look of fear, and sweat was all over his forehead.

Mainly because it was too sudden and frightened.

He took two steps, and his posture was a bit weird.

Jing Ge frowned, then turned around and walked to You Cheng's side: "Sit down, and open your trousers."

The adolescent boy You Chan, facing Ge'er's handsome face deliberately turned into a man, and smelling the sweet fragrance of a woman on Ge'er's body, couldn't help but turn his ears red, and turned his head tremblingly to look at the Lord.

Finding that the Lord was not angry, he dared to lift up his trousers, exposing his entire fair calf.

Jing Ge grabbed his calf and looked it over several times. At the ankle, there were scars from the vines. If you look carefully, you can see many small red needles in the scars.

It's not easy.

"Mo Li, show me the section of rattan you cut off just now, remember not to hold it with your hands."

Hearing this, Mo Li ran quickly, took the rattan through the fabric, and handed it to Jing Ge: "Be careful, there are many thorns on it."

Jing Ge took the cane carefully, and saw the dense thorns on the cane, she moved closer, sniffed, and smelled the toxin on the thorns.

The smell of toxins was very shallow, Ge'er wouldn't be able to smell it if he didn't have a keen sense of smell and studied medicine for many years.

"Does your foot hurt?" Jing Ge asked.

You Chan nodded and shook his head again: "It hurts, but it's bearable."

Jing Ge glanced at him, didn't praise him, but said: "I can bear it now, but when it swells up later, you can't bear it anymore."

You Chan: "Huh?"

Jing Ge ignored You Ju, but said to Mo Li who was behind him: "Mo Li, find a rope and tie You Ju, and when he wants to move, control him and don't let him move around. Opportunity."

Mo Li nodded, found vines, and tied You Chan tightly.

You Yan asked puzzledly: "Will I go crazy soon?"

"Almost." Jing Ge said.

You Chan: "..." I'm so uneasy.

This feeling is like knowing that I will lose my composure in the next second, but there is nothing I can do about it.

"Don't worry, with me here, I can't die." Seeing his complexion, Jing Ge thought he was afraid of death, so he said a few words of comfort.

You Chan scratched the back of his head, not knowing what to say.

After murmuring for a moment, he could only say: "Thank you."

Jing Ge didn't care, and looked at the wound on You Yan's foot for a while, and said to Mo Li who was standing beside him, "Look here, and if you see that your foot is swollen, tell me."

You have to wait until the poison on the foot is swollen to draw out the poison completely.

You Yan also seemed to see that it would take quite a long time. Thinking that he had dragged everyone down, he said uneasy: "My lord, I'm sorry, I'm useless. If I didn't lose my mind just now and noticed that vine, I would alright."

Now because he was injured alone, everyone was forced to stop.

"It's okay." The Lord said coldly.

 Good Book Recommendation Series Chronology——

  03. Friend book recommendation: Author Duoji "Reborn 1980: The Chief's Wife Is A Little Sweet"

  Copywriting: Before she was reborn, Jiang Wan was honest and kind, and didn't know how to resist, so that her identity was robbed and her appearance was ruined. The only time she was tough, let her die tragically on the street.

  After being reborn, Jiang Wan has two wishes, one is to trample her previous enemy to death in the mud, and the other is to find the benefactor who buried her bones in the previous life and give him a coffin, and give birth to a litter of buns for him.

  Brother Tianbing came to the door one day and undid one button after another calmly.

  Jiang Wan was dumbfounded, "Ah, brother, where are you playing?"

  Brother Bing smiled proudly, "Don't you want to repay your kindness? I have all delivered to the door, and the buttons have been unbuttoned. You should repay your kindness!"

  04. Recommended book for friends: Author Ji Tangtang "Reborn 1980: Sweet Wife, A Little Sweet"

  Copywriting: (Sweet pet text) In the previous life, Gu Baoer went blind and fell in love with a scumbag, abandoned her husband, and followed him to leave her hometown, but finally died alone on the hospital bed and lived a new life. Gu Baoer vowed to make up for the man who loved her so much, and live a good life with him .But who can tell her who this black-bellied man is?
  "My dear, call me brother."

  The man bit her earlobe and chuckled.

  "What brother, where did my brother come from?"

  Gu Baoer was puzzled, she only had a younger brother.

  "Brother Qing is not a brother."

  The man picked her up with a smile.


(End of this chapter)

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