First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 858 9-turn Dragon Ball 3

Chapter 858 Nine Turns Dragon Ball 3
"You wolf-hearted dog, you will die sooner or later." The middle-aged man began to curse at Lan Susu.

"Lan Zhongquan, do you think you are still the third uncle of the Lan family? Oh, just wait, I will find your subordinates and your most precious daughter, cut off their heads one by one, and bring them back to you." You are reunited." Lan Susu touched the blood on his lips with his fingertips, and made a horrified smile.

"You are a beast, something that is not as good as a pig or a dog, you will have to die." Lan Zhongquan had no hands and feet, and could only curse people with one mouth.

Faced with his insults, Lan Susu just smiled, with a sinister smile: "I am a beast, something inferior to pigs and dogs, yes, I am, because my body is also bleeding from beasts."

Lan Susu walked over step by step, stepped on Lan Zhongquan's shoulder, and laughed for a while seeing Lan Zhongquan being crushed to the ground.

Suddenly put away the smile again.

"Lan Zhongquan, you despicable and shameless scum, if you hadn't coveted my mother's beauty and forced me to take my mother, my mother wouldn't have been pregnant with me because her innocent body was polluted, and she couldn't Redeem yourself and marry a good man.

And you, you got my mother's body, but because you disliked my mother's humble background, you refused to give my mother a title, and even indulged these scumbags to bully my mother and me.

When my mother was seriously ill, you didn't even invite a doctor, and you didn't even give me a little money to get her medicine.In the winter of heavy snow, I knelt outside your door for a day and a night, and the snow almost buried half of my body, but you and your newlywed concubine, turned upside down, wanton and unrestrained.

A scum like you doesn't deserve to have my mother. "Tears rolled down that blood-stained face, Lan Susu bit her lower lip, raised her foot and kicked Lan Zhongquan fiercely.

Seeing that Lan Zhongquan lost his balance and fell to the side, she dismissed it and let out a cold snort: "Just wait, I will find your precious daughter soon."

"No, don't hurt Xinxin. Xinxin is innocent. If you want to hate me, you can kill me, but you can't hurt Xinxin." Lan Zhongquan desperately raised his head and began to beg Lan Susu.

"Hehe, innocent? Are you really innocent? Do you think I don't know how my mother fell ill? Lan Xinxin forced my mother to wash her clothes in the cold winter, and the water in the river froze. But she forced my mother to brave the snowy weather, break the ice layer little by little, and wash dozens of people's clothes with biting cold water.

If she can't wash it clean, she will be beaten. My mother's body is already weak, and she doesn't have the nutrition to keep up.

In your eyes, we are like ants, so now, please enjoy the fear of being devoured by ants. "

After Lan Susu said, her breath changed completely.

His indifferent eyes fell on Lan Zhongquan, and he sneered and said, "Don't you really want to bite the Nine-turn Lingzhu? Hehe, then I'm not as good as you wish. Have you seen those people outside? Those who turn the spirit beads, I told them, take the spirit beads as you like."

"You wicked girl, you're going to die!" Lan Zhongquan stared at Lan Susu and began to curse angrily.

"Hahahaha...cough cough cough...poof." Lan Susu suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, she opened her mouth, showing her bloody teeth, looked at Lan Zhongquan, and said, "There is one thing, you are right, I will indeed die badly, but before I die, I will drag you all to hell!"

(End of this chapter)

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