First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 871 The Demon Lord Reveals His Identity 7

Chapter 871 The Demon Lord Reveals His Identity 7
"Aww." There was a sound of scratching at the door.

Jing Ge sat up, put on her shoes, walked over and opened the door.

When Dabai saw her, he leaned over aggrieved, circling around her feet, yelling.

Jing Ge picked Dabai up and rubbed his stomach, "Who did you go out with last night?"

Dabai licked her cheek flatteringly, and buried his hairy head in the crest of her neck, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo."

"Come on, mother will take you to see your little uncle next door."

Bai Yeling, who was about to get up, almost rolled down from the bed when he heard the sound of mother.


So is he going to prepare multiple dog sons?
"Dog son, hello, dog son, goodbye." Well, well, since Geer likes it, if there are more dog sons, just gou son.

Anyway, the son of a dog can't inherit the great cause and become the next generation of demon king.

Jing Ge hugged Dabai and came to the next door. Jing Di hadn't seen her sister for a long time, and when she saw her, she rushed over excitedly.

Ge'er held Dabai in her arms, and Dabai felt a soft creature pounce on him.

It turned its head to look at the ball of creatures, and felt that the little meat ball had a good smell. It was rare that it didn't reject the male species that approached Geer.

Dabai licked Jing Di, jumped out of Ge'er's embrace, and gave it to Xiao Routuan.

Jing Ge picked up Jing Di and kissed her younger brother's cheek, feeling that his brother was much heavier, and he was bouncing around in her arms.

"Yeah." Jing Di held Ge'er's chin, gnawed a pile of saliva on it, and left a few shallow teeth marks.

Seeing this, the nanny hurried over and stuffed a small tooth-molar bone into Jing Di's hand. The nanny said to Ge'er: "When children have teeth, they tend to drool and like to gnaw things, because the root of the tooth will itch. When you chew something, you will feel comfortable."

Jing Ge nodded knowingly, expressing that he understood.

Seeing this, the nanny didn't say anything more.

Jing Ge hugged Jing Di, walked out of the room, Dabai followed behind, wagging his tail excitedly, and followed out.

Two people and one dog came outside.

While feeding the fish, I met the Yaozu princess again.

Ever since the Yaozu princess started gaining weight, her body shape has disappeared forever.

He is getting heavier and fatter, and he has already put on plus-size clothes.

Walking on the road, the ground will tremble three times.

The plump figure made her more and more lazy to exercise. This time, she came out after hearing the maid said that Jing Ge had appeared, and she was going to trouble Jing Ge.

It's just that my body is too weak and too fat, so I have to stop after walking a few steps and take a rest.

When she walked to Ge'er, Ge'er had already fed most of the fish food in his hand.

"Woof, woof, woof." Dabai sensed the malice of the visitor, pressed his forelegs to the ground, and roared crazily at the Yaozu princess.

"Where did the mad dog come from? He dared to bark at this princess. Someone, stew this dog for this princess, add thirteen spices, and this princess will eat it tonight."

The Yaozu princess pointed at Dabai with her thick and fat fingers.

When Dabai heard that she was going to stew himself, he rubbed his head against Ge'er's calf aggrievedly.

Ge'er knelt down and rubbed the fur on Dabai's neck, "Good boy, with your mother here, no one dares to bully you."

Upon hearing this, Dabai immediately began to act arrogantly, proudly raised his tail, and yelled wildly at the Yaozu princess.

"Wang Wang Wang Wang..."

(End of this chapter)

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