First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 885 An Accident in the Lin Mansion 10

Chapter 885 An Accident in the Lin Mansion 10
The furious king threw all the things in the main hall to the ground, making a mess, and after venting, he sat on the soft bed and said, "Eunuch Zhang, call Master Liu up to me."

"No." Eunuch Zhang quickly stepped on small steps and went to call for someone.

The maids lined up to clean up the house.

Not long after, Eunuch Zhang came in with Master Liu.

Master Liu has a mustache and a few long beards. His eyes are as big as soybeans, his eyes are cloudy, his cheekbones are protruding, and his mouth is thick. Just from his appearance, he can tell he is a mean person.

"My servant sees the king, long live the king, long live the king." Master Zhang came in and saw the maids cleaning the house, guessing in his mind what happened not long ago.

After all, on the way he just walked, there was still a lot of blood on the ground, warning people that a murder case just happened there, a fresh life just lost the chance to live just now.

"When will the elixir be refined? Didn't you say that you can refine it with the blood of a half-orc as a medicine? I have already found a half-orc for you more than ten days ago, why not?"

"My lord, Mr. Lin and Lin Lansheng should not be half-orcs. Their half-orc genes should be Mr. Lin's partner and Lin Lansheng's mother." Master Liu rolled his cunning eyes, knelt and stepped forward and said .

"His mother is, why isn't he?" The king couldn't eat, he was hungry, but he couldn't swallow anything, and his temper became more and more irritable.

"The half-orc gene will not be 100% passed on to the children, so it is impossible for every child to be a half-orc." Master Liu muttered.

He lowered his head uneasily, fearing that the irritable tyrant in front of him would kill himself if he disagreed with him.

"So? You told me that the Lin family has half-orc blood, so I immediately found an excuse and put them in a dungeon. You can do whatever you want to do with bloodletting and research, but now you come to tell me that they don't have half-orc blood on them." Can’t make an elixir? Do you think that I dare not kill you? That’s why you dare to make excuses to fool me?”

"My lord, forgive me, the Lin family does have half-orc blood, but it was not passed on to Lin Lansheng, but above Lin Lansheng, there is a sister, I heard that the sister was lost when she was young, and has been missing for more than 15 years, but not long ago, My sister's child has been found, it is a [-]-year-old girl, Wei Chen thinks that the girl is very likely to be a half-orc."

Master Liu slammed his head on the ground anxiously, "I beg the king to give this minister one more chance, as long as he can catch Mr. Lin's granddaughter and prove that she is a half-orc, this minister can definitely make an elixir to extend his life, so that the king can truly live." Life without bounds."


The King threw the cup of hot tea on Master Liu and shouted angrily, "I will give you another chance. If you can't make the elixir this time, I will cut off your head and hang it on the city wall." Exposure to the sun for seven days."

"Thank you Lord Long En." Master Zhang hurriedly kowtowed.

After Master Liu was taken away, the king called out the hidden guards and ordered them to go to the Lin Mansion immediately and arrest Mr. Lin's granddaughter together.

As soon as the hidden guard left, Eunuch Zhang's uneasy eyes rolled for a moment, and he decided to report what he knew.


(End of this chapter)

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