First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 887 The Palace Incident 2

Chapter 887 The Palace Incident 2
"Take out your hand." Jing Ge said calmly.

He didn't even look at the officers and soldiers surrounding him.

Hearing this, the patient breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly handed over his hand.

Jing Ge put her hand on her wrist to check her pulse.

"Are you the miracle doctor of this clinic? The king has invited you, so why don't you quickly kneel down to accept the order." The leader of the officers and soldiers came up and dropped the things on Jing Ge's table.

Jing Ge was unmoved, and didn't even look at the officer and soldier.

Ask the patient to lift up his sleeves, check the skin growth on the patient's arm, and ask, "Does it usually itch badly?"

The patient nodded: "It's very itchy, especially at night, it's so itchy that I can't sleep, I can't help scratching, the more I scratch, the more itchy, the back will be red, swollen, bleeding, and watery. It's been many years, and I can't cure it even after seeing a doctor. Divine doctor, can my illness be cured?"

Jing Ge put down his sleeve, and said: "Don't scratch it anymore, don't scratch it again, if you can't bear it anymore, ask your family to tie up your hands, and cut off all your fingernails, and wash your hands every day. I will prescribe you medicine and ointment for a few days, you take it back, boil one portion of the medicine twice, take it twice, drink once in the morning and evening each day, drink for seven days, and apply this ointment together.

The smell of the ointment is rather pungent and unpleasant, but the effect is very good. You insist on using it, remember not to scratch it, don’t scratch it, you hear me? "

"Yes, yes, I will definitely hold back this time, thank you genius doctor." The patient was so excited that he almost knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Jing Ge.

He has seen many doctors, and they all said that it can't be cured, but this stubborn disease really affects the quality of life. The patient has endured it for seven or eight years, and he really doesn't want to continue for the rest of his life. Suddenly he meets a miracle doctor and says it can be cured. How can he not be excited? ?

"The imperial decree has arrived, genius doctor, why don't you hurry up and kneel down to accept the decree, do you want to offend the king?" Seeing that Jing Ge ignored him, the leading officer and soldier drew out the knife from his waist angrily.

Jing Ge didn't even blink his eyes.

Take the pen and write the drug list, the beautiful fonts appear vividly on the paper, and finally put down the pen and hand the drug list to the patient.

Together with her, there was also a bottle of ointment that she made herself, which was designed to treat various skin diseases.

"I think you are toasting and not eating fine wine." The leader of the officers and soldiers raised their knives and slashed at the square table in front of Jing Ge.


The knife didn't touch the table, and it was caught by Bai Yeling who was standing next to him with two fingers, and then he broke it lightly with force, then threw it at the heels of the officers and soldiers, glaring coldly: "If you don't want to die, just be honest."

The officers and soldiers stared wide-eyed in disbelief, looking at the military knife neatly cut in the middle in their hands, their faces turned pale with fright, and they staggered back a few steps, not daring to do it again.

His attitude towards Ge'er became respectful: "You little one has eyes but doesn't know Taishan. If you offend the genius doctor, you still hope the genius doctor will forgive you."

Jing Ge didn't move and didn't make a sound.

The officers and soldiers were cruel and knelt down: "Please forgive me, the divine doctor."

Jing Ge still didn't move, even took out a scrub stone and began to grind his nails slowly.

Because she is currently dressed in a man's body, this kind of action makes her look like a mother.

"Papa." The officers and soldiers slapped themselves a few times, kowtowed three times in succession, and said, "Please don't be fussy with the little ones, sir."

"What was the imperial decree you just mentioned?" Jing Ge raised his head and put down the stone in his hand.

This time, she applied a thick layer of white powder to her face, put on smoky makeup on her eyes, and turned herself into a woman with broken sleeves.

(End of this chapter)

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