First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 896: Punish the Scumbag 1

Chapter 896: Punish the Scumbag 1
"Master, you should eat well when I'm not here... Well, I can't cook for the master for the time being. Master, don't fall in love with other people's cooking, and then forget the taste of my cooking."

Meng Feifei originally wanted to say, let the master eat well, but only after he finished speaking did he realize that the last thing his master should worry about is eating.

He is obviously the smallest at the moment, but he has a lot to eat.

When Jing Ge heard him say these words, he subconsciously thought of the rice cooked by Bai Yeling.

To be honest, the food cooked by Bai Yeling tastes better, but Meng Feifei doesn't need to know these things.

A group of people sent Meng Feifei to the spaceship and said goodbye to him one by one.

Those who went to Tianlan College together were Ye Yuecheng and No.1 who were No.3 in the drug fighting conference.

Seeing that it was not Jing Ge who went there, Ye Yuecheng sneered and said, "Jing Ge, are you cowardly? Why? If you lose to me once, you won't dare to go to Tianlan College?" Are you afraid of losing to me again? Hahaha, if you are afraid of losing, you can tell me quietly, maybe I will take pity on you and give you a chance to win."

"Master, who is this idiot?" Meng Feifei was suffering, but when he heard his words, he stopped his tears and stood in front of Jing Ge, looking at Ye Yuecheng coldly.

"It's just a self-righteous idiot, don't pay attention to him." Jing Ge said.

"Oh." Meng Feifei was very obedient.

If you don't care about it, don't care about it, turn your head and continue to say goodbye to your friends.

Chu Xiaojie touched fists with him, and the two brothers hugged each other.

Chu Xiaojie patted Meng Feifei on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, go fly, I will take good care of Geer for you."

"You are by the master's side, and don't neglect your practice. When I come back, if I find that you are much weaker than me, I will beat you all over the place."

Meng Feifei clenched his fist and threatened Chu Xiaojie.

Chu Xiaojie thumped him on the shoulder and said, "Wait and see, it's not certain who will beat who to the ground then."

"Don't think I'm afraid of you because you're a woman!" Ye Yuecheng made an expression that wanted to punch someone.

However, the next moment.

In front of Jing Ge, a group of people stood in unison.

With Meng Feifei and Chu Xiaojie as the center, and more than [-] members of the Lin family army standing on both sides, Zhang Yue pounded his bulging chest muscles, his tall figure approached Ye Yuecheng, and pushed a weak chicken Ye Yuecheng said, "Stinky boy, what do you want to do to our little lady? Believe it or not, I will beat you to death."

Li Chen and Li Gui came up at the same time, one on each side, three tall and strong men surrounded Ye Yuecheng, dragged him to the corner, and beat him hard.

"Ah, ah, stop hitting, stop hitting, I know it's wrong, I know it's wrong, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Although Ye Yuecheng became famous at a young age, he was hailed as a genius for refining medicine when he was very young, but he was only limited to his talent for refining medicine.In addition, he spent more time learning to refine medicine, and less time to practice, so until now, he is still in the stage of refining Qi.

They are not the opponents of Brother Li Chen and Zhang Yue at all.

Even if the three of them don't use spiritual energy, they can still beat Ye Yuecheng to the ground with fists, crying for his father and mother.

Zhang Yue escorted Ye Yuecheng, who had been beaten miserably, to Ge'er, and asked Ye Yuecheng to kneel down and apologize to Jing Ge.

Ye Yuecheng didn't dare to disobey, knelt on the ground in embarrassment, kowtowed and apologized: "I'm sorry, please don't remember the mistakes of villains, please forgive me."

(End of this chapter)

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