First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 900 Princess Yunge

Chapter 900 Princess Yunge
After Lin Lansheng became the new ruler of Fengyue Kingdom in May, Fengyue City entered winter and began to snow.

It was the season of deep winter, and the streets were covered with a thick layer of snow, and the eaves and trees were covered with silver everywhere.

The branches are bent by the snow and hang down, occasionally attacking passers-by.

A cloud of snow fell down, and some snowflakes got in through the collar, making people feel chilly.

After Lin Lansheng became the lord of the country, the Lin family army was also assigned military status. It was still the Lin family army, but changed from private to state-owned.

Lin Lansheng asked Jing Ge if she would like to live in the palace, but Jing Ge refused. She prefers freedom to a high life without worrying about food and clothing.

Freedom to fly like a bird.

Lin Lansheng understood her choice, so after hearing the answer, she didn't try to persuade her, but let her enter the palace to accompany him occasionally.

On this day, Ge'er entered the palace alone and waited for her little uncle who was still in court in the bedroom of the main hall.

The little uncle knew that she would be bored when she came in, so he prepared a lot of snacks in the bedroom, all kinds of melon seed snacks, peanuts and spicy flavors.

Ge'er sat down and began to gnaw, until she gnawed her face until she heard the news from outside.

"Where's Princess Yunge?" the voice of the little uncle.

"Go back to the king, it's inside." The maid said.

"Well, step back." The little uncle walked in, and when he saw Ge'er, he showed a doting smile.

He strode up to Ge'er, saw Ge'er's painted face, smiled, picked up a clean towel, and wiped her mouth clean himself.

"Little uncle is under court?" Ge'er wanted to follow the rules at first and call Lin Yunsheng little uncle, but in the end Lin Yunsheng strictly stopped her.

So she still called him little uncle after the predecessors.

Even though many courtiers have handed over a mountain of memorials for impeachment because of this incident, saying that national rites cannot be abolished, hmph, a group of old stubborn, his little niece is very young nephew, they can call him whatever they want.

"Well, just now, I had a quarrel with a group of stubborn old people, and now I feel comfortable." After the little uncle became a king, although his behavior has been restrained a lot, he still occasionally reveals the demeanor of the old boss.

He sat down in front of Geer, and took out a black token of the Guisha Corps: "This token is for you, and the Guisha Corps will be yours from now on."

Ge'er raised her eyebrows and glanced at the token that the little uncle handed over, and said, "Then thank you little uncle."

She is not polite, she accepts what she gives, it is a family anyway.

Lin Lansheng liked her transparent temperament, picked up the teapot, poured two cups of tea, picked up a cup and drank half of it, and said, "Where is the kid who was with you that day? Why haven't you seen him recently?"

Speaking of Bai Yeling, Ge'er's ears instantly turned peach pink. She took a peach guiltily, stuffed it in her mouth, and took a bite. , said in a daze: "That person has something to leave, doesn't the little uncle miss him?"

"Nonsense, my little uncle thinks that you are different to him, and he is just afraid that you will suffer." Lin Lansheng put the teacup on the table, raised his eyelids and looked at Ge'er: "Do I know that person?"

"Hmm." Jing Ge was only willing to reveal reasonable information, no matter how much information Lin Lansheng made, she would not continue.

The uncle and nephew chatted for a long time, from family affairs to state affairs, and when it was lunch time, Lin Lansheng stayed for another meal.

The two happily ate lunch together, and after it was over, Ge'er made a request to leave the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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