First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 904 Sweetness 4

Chapter 904 Sweetness 4
Ge'er propped her elbows on the back of the chair, watching Bai Yeling cook for her.

The handsome evildoer, with a handsome face that cracked the sky, was seriously pouring small wontons into the pot, and the slender fingers with well-defined knuckles were pinching the beautiful little chaos into it.

Elegant yet flustered.

It is said that invisible teasing is the deadliest, Ge'er deeply felt the true meaning of this sentence at this moment.

A heart was beating wildly, as if it would jump out of his throat in the next moment.

Such a perfect and excellent man, even though he is the supreme being in the demon world, is willing to wash his hands and cook a simple and delicious little chaos for himself.

Ge'er suddenly stood up and walked over there.

When she came back to her senses, she was already sticking behind Bai Ye, hugging Bai Yeling's waist from behind.

face against his back.

The soup in the pot was gurgling and boiling, and the beautiful little wontons were flying and dancing in the pot with the boiling water.

"Are you hungry?"

The moment he was hugged suddenly, Bai Yeling's body froze for a moment, and then a burst of ecstasy swept through his heart.

He could hardly bear it anymore, dropped the things in his hands, picked up the baby behind his back, went back to the bed, and completely took her as his own.

"Well, I came here without breakfast." Jing Ge spoke against his back.

The height gap between the two was still huge, and she could only press her cheek against his back when she was standing.

"Soon, it will be fine soon, just be patient for a while." Bai Yeling stirred the little chaos in the pot with a spoon, covered the lid, and wiped his hands with a scarf. After confirming that they were clean, he held Ge son's hands.

His body temperature is cooler in summer, but in winter it is like a moving stove, making her unable to help but want to get closer to him.

"En." Jing Ge hummed.

Little Chaos is ripe.

After filling the bowls, Bai Yeling took up two large bowls of Little Chaos, worried that Ge'er would be scalded, and reluctantly said: "Stay away from me first, if the hot soup spills out later, it won't be good if it burns."

Ge'er refused, turned to the front, wanted to take his own bowl, and wanted to carry it by himself.

"I'll take a bowl, and you take a bowl, so you don't have to worry about spilling hot soup," she said.

Bai Yeling was unwilling, but Ge'er refused to back down at all. After being helpless, Ge'er still won.

The two childish ghosts stood at a stalemate by the stove for almost half a cup of tea, just for whom to serve the bowl.

"Hoo hoo." Ge'er scooped up a small pan with a blue and white porcelain spoon, dipped it in some delicious soup, puffed her cheeks, and blew it at it.

Bai Yeling couldn't take his eyes off the cute appearance with puffed cheeks and pouty lips.

Geer is so cute, and Geer like this is also very fond of.

"Wow, it's delicious." It was even more delicious than what she remembered,

"Eat more if it tastes good. There are still fillings and skins over there. If not enough, I'll make it for you." Bai Yeling brought the little ravioli that had been cooled in the spoon to her mouth, waiting for her to eat the little chaos , I drank the soup in the spoon again.

Don't mind eating her saliva.

"Did you already like me back then?" Ge'er suddenly remembered that Little Chaos learned it at the stall of an old couple in Shuangyang City.

At that time, she had just met and met Bai Yeling who was disguised as Uncle Bai.

But did he already like himself at that time?
If so, when did he start liking her?
(End of this chapter)

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