First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 912 Gu Poison Attack 2

Chapter 912 Gu Poison Attack 2
"I heard that that person loves his wife and son very much. Why don't you just give him a big gift? Didn't you feed a few Heart-eating Gu cold worms in the early days? Raise them in his heart." The man with the scar said.

"But, Boss, that thing is so poisonous, won't this kid be able to resist it when he's only three years old?" Another person said worriedly.

"What are you afraid of? This is that man's son. Do you think he won't be able to resist? Impossible, do as I said, and throw him out when you're done."


Then someone poured something into his stomach along with water.

Then my heart began to throb, and I was shivering from the cold...

"Bai Yeling, wake up quickly, wake up, I am Ge'er."

who is calling me?

Bai Yeling's head began to throb like a pinprick, he roared, wanting to break through the darkness, wanting to be warm...

It's so cold, am I going to die here?

"Bai Ye Mausoleum, Bai Ye Mausoleum..."

Who?Who is calling me?nice voice...

So warm, so warm...

"Bai Yeling, I am Ge'er, I am Ge'er..."

song?Ge'er is... Ge'er!
"Ge'er." Bai Yeling opened his eyes, and saw Ge'er with red eye circles in front of him.

"Bai Yeling, you bastard, you almost scared me to death." Jing Ge, as if venting, leaned on his shoulder and bit him hard.

Biting and biting, tears fell uncontrollably.

At that moment just now, his heart almost stopped beating——

Jing Ge hugged Bai Yeling tightly, as if wanting to completely incorporate herself into his body, it seemed that only in this way could she be sure that he was still alive and by her side.

Knowing that she was frightened, Bai Yeling looked apologetic.

He kissed the hair on the top of her head, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Geer, I'm sorry..."

"Woooooo... You really scared me to death just now, you bastard, even your heart stopped."

Jing Ge cried into tears in his arms.

Bai Yeling gently held her face, kissed her on the cheek, and said solemnly: "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry I have a fart." Jing Ge sniffed, showing her fragility in front of him completely, she choked up and said: "You bastard, since you came to provoke me, you also made me like you You, if you leave me first, I will dig your grave and throw you into the sea to feed the fish."

Bai Yeling gently wiped away her tears, put his big hand on the back of her head, gently pressed her face on the hollow of her shoulder, and hugged the person in his arms tightly, "Ge'er, do you know what you just said? "

"I said I'm going to dig your grave." Ge'er saw the teeth marks on his shoulder, which were slightly bloodshot.

"I won't die before you." Bai Yeling loosened a little distance from her, looked into her beautiful eyes and said, "I'm so happy that you said you like me just now, I love you, Geer. "

Bai Yeling lifted Ge'er's chin, leaned over and kissed her soft lips.

After kissing for a long time, Bai Yeling let go of Ge'er.

He licked the corner of his mouth and said with aftertaste: "It's so soft and sweet."

Ge'er blushed instantly, and glared at him in embarrassment: "You are shameless."

Bai Yeling held her face and said, "I can be shameless, or even my life, but I want you."

"You..." Ge'er's foot slipped, and her thigh rubbed somewhere.

so hard.

so big.

(End of this chapter)

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