Chapter 918

His songs should be free, free-flying eagles in the sky, not the chicks he guards behind.

What Geer needs is growth and tempering, and what she wants is an extraordinary life.

Lin Lansheng and Ge'er looked at each other for a long time, but they were finally defeated. He sighed and said, "You can go, but I promise you that you must come back safely. If you can't come back, my uncle will never come back." Forgive yourself, understand?"

He had already lost the elder sister who loved him the most, and he could no longer lose his elder sister's child.

Otherwise he really wouldn't be able to survive.

Jing Ge walked into Lin Lansheng's arms, hugged him, and said firmly, "I won't die so easily." I have died once, and I finally had the chance to do it again. Cherish this life!
Seven days later, Dongchenghai.

"Princess Yunge, this mansion has been cleaned up. You and your people are staying here for the time being. If you need anything, just tell the next official. The next official will arrange some things here." Maids and servants, if there is anything that needs to be done, Princess Yunge can dispatch them at any time."

Where Geer is now is a small town on the seaside of Dongcheng, called Baiyan Town.

At this time, it was Xu Gui'an, the mayor of the town, who led Ge'er to his residence.

A very simple and unassuming official.

This appears to be the case, but in fact it is not clear.

Ge'er is not that particular about where she lives, she just asks Xingyue to show someone to see the room, to make sure that it can be moved in, and there is nothing wrong with it.

But she herself pulled Xu Gui'an aside and interrogated him about the disturbance in Dongchenghai.

"What do those missing people have in common? Where did they all disappear? What symptoms did they have before and after the disappearance? Have you found out all of these?"

Obviously, Xu Gui'an did not expect that the one who came this time was not an idiot princess, but a real princess.

Nervously swallowed, pulled down the hem of his clothes uncomfortably, after a while, wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and said: "There are men, women, young and old, but the main group of missing people are single people; The location is not concentrated, there are reported cases of disappearance everywhere in this small town;

Before and after the disappearance, it is difficult to check, because many of them are living alone, or go out to work, and they are usually quiet, do not like to talk, and no one understands what they are thinking in their hearts. "

"What about the missing case? There is also the content of the organization's investigation on this matter. You will bring it to me tomorrow morning."

"Yes, yes, the official understands, when I go back, the official will start tidying up, tidying up overnight, and delivering it to Princess Yunge in person tomorrow morning."

Xu Guian patted his chest and said.

Jing Ge just raised his eyelids and glanced at him, without saying anything.

Just from what Xu Gui'an said just now, many problems can already be seen, for example, Xu Gui'an is a person who likes to express himself very much, and has a strong desire to express himself.

As soon as I got back, I started tidying up overnight, and delivered it in person in the morning.

Xu Gui'an obviously wanted to show himself well in front of her, so that she could see that he was a hardworking official.

Ha ha.

Whether you are diligent or not, you will know after reading it.

If it's a good official, she doesn't mind being promoted, if not, then don't blame her for turning her back.

(End of this chapter)

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