Chapter 924 Wasted

"Recently, there have been new developments in the case. It is certain that all the missing people disappeared near the water source. Therefore, for the sake of safety, tell everyone who comes here for breakfast tomorrow. Just let them Knowing that you can't get close to the water, especially don't approach it alone, can you?"

"No problem, leave it to me." The boss thought it was for the residents of Baiyan Town, and he said nothing but refused to accept Jing Ge's money, including even the meal payment.

But when Jing Ge left, he still put the money under the bowl.

"To be on the safe side, let the boss help you." Jing Ge said to Bai Yeling.

Bai Yeling took her hand, squeezed her palm, and said: "I know, my little uncle has just stabilized his foundation, if the problems in Dongchenghai continue to expand at this time, it will definitely affect him at that time, there will be More voices of opposition and impeachment came out, you are so anxious to deal with this matter, you just want to avoid this from happening and do it well for your little uncle."

"That's my little uncle, when did he become your little uncle?" Jing Ge withdrew his hand from his hand and strode forward.

Bai Yeling chased after him, followed quickly, and said as he walked, "Your little uncle will also be my little uncle sooner or later."

"Who said that? Who said that I will definitely marry you in the future?" Jing Ge quickened his pace.

One walks ahead and the other chases after.

When they arrived at the mayor's house, the two stopped the chase and both entered inside.

After walking in, he found that Zhang Yue had brought the woman back.

Perhaps it was what happened last night, which had a great impact on the woman. Since she stepped into the mansion, her complexion has been ugly, her lips pale, she has been clutching the back of the chair, talking nonsense: "Don't kill me, don't kill me! ..."

"She's been like this since she came back, and she hasn't stopped. I don't know if she's crazy." Zhang Yue said to Ge'er.

Jing Ge approached the woman, and just wanted to check if she was really crazy, the woman suddenly jumped up, baring her teeth and threatening Ge'er: "Don't come, don't come, don't kill me..."

Her speed was so fast that her nails almost hurt Ge'er's face.

Bai Yeling and Zhang Yue's expressions darkened at the same time, and Zhang Yue stepped forward, pressed the woman back onto the chair, found a rope, and tied the woman to the chair.

Jing Ge didn't stop her.

After Zhang Yue tied the man up, Jing Ge walked over, put his fingers on the woman's wrist, and checked the woman's pupils after a while...

After a while.

Jing Ge regretted, "I'm so scared."

"Ah? This is crazy? So what should I do? She should be the first witness to this case so far, right?" Zhang Yue said regretfully.

Witnesses are so important.

At first, I thought that with the presence of witnesses and the restoration of the scene, at least we could know what kind of monster it was that took those people away.

As a result, the most important witness has gone crazy now.

Zhang Yue fell into infinite self-blame. He felt that if he paid more attention to the woman's situation, maybe he wouldn't make her go crazy.

The breakthrough that finally appeared was wasted because of his negligence.

"Don't blame yourself. This has nothing to do with you. It's because her mental capacity is too poor that she can be frightened so easily and go crazy. And even though she is crazy, we still have a way to make her see it someday. It's what he said." Jing Ge said.

(End of this chapter)

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