Chapter 947
A numb feeling came from the tip of her tongue, and Jing Ge's consciousness came back little by little.

When she opened her eyes again, she was much more awake.

Then she saw clearly that the person in front of her was not her dream, but a living person.

Jing Ge held Bai Yeling's face, stepped back a little, with a feeling of displeasure on his face that his dream was disturbed, and deliberately widened his eyes: "Sneak into the single woman's room in the middle of the night, what do you want to do? My lord .”

Bai Yeling stuffed her finger into his mouth, gnawed it lightly, and said, "There are many things I want to do, but I'm not that kind of person. Before you nod your head in agreement, I won't mess around with you."

Jing Ge: "..." He said it so seriously, as if nothing happened before.

Really think she is a young girl in her teens?hum.

"You can only sleep on the floor, there is no place for you on the bed." Jing Ge pointed to Jing Di and Dabai who were sleeping inside with their hands and feet spread wide.

Bai Yeling followed the direction in her hand, glanced inside, and nodded knowingly: "Well, I just came to see you, I'm used to having you by my side, but suddenly I can't see you, I can't sleep."

Bai Yeling in his heart: He is actually not as good as a dog?

The dog was treated well by him.

"Then you go back directly. If you are accidentally bumped into and your little uncle discovers your existence, then both of us will be miserable." Jing Ge knelt on the bed, pushed Bai Yeling's face away, and said.

"I'll leave before dawn, and my uncle won't find out."

"Okay then, you sleep on the floor."

The two exchanged another goodnight kiss.

After Jing Ge lay down, she looked at the empty floor and said, "There seems to be no spare quilt here, how are you going to sleep?"

As if by magic, Bai Yeling took out a new set of bedding from his storage space, spread it on the floor, and lay down on it.

Jing Ge: "..." Is this person really the national teacher Bai Ye whose cold rumors can make children cry?Is it still the terrifying and frightening Demon Realm Supreme?Is it still the ascetic and unfeminine Qiandiao Pavilion Master Bai Yeling?

No, not at all.

This is a big pervert who likes to stalk people.

When he woke up in the morning, Bai Yeling was no longer in the room.

If it wasn't for his sandalwood scent in the air, Jing Ge would suspect that she was just having a dream last night.

"Sister, give me a hug."

The little cutie Jing Di opened her eyes and woke up. When she met Jing Ge's eyes, she smiled cutely in sequence, stretched out her arms and hugged her elder sister's hand, and gently rubbed her chubby face against her elder sister's palm. , and then began to act like a baby with a sweet and milky voice.

Jing Ge is helpless against such a lovely younger brother.

She bent her eyebrows and eyes with a smile, hugged her lovely brother in her arms, then got up and walked out.

After staying in the palace for another half day, Jing Ge had lunch with his little uncle, bid farewell, and then came out of the palace and returned to the Lin Mansion.

As soon as she came back, she immediately went to grandpa's residence. Steward Lin just opened the door to come out of the house. When he saw Jing Ge, he quickly opened the door and let Jing Ge in.

"Miss, did you sleep well in the palace last night?" the housekeeper closed the door, turned and walked back into the room, asking as he walked.

"Well, I don't know the bed very well, so I can sleep anywhere." After falling asleep last night, because of Bai Yeling's side, she slept extraordinarily soundly.

Lin Butler saw that she looked good, and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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