Chapter 949 Sophistry
Seeing her disgusting face, Jing Ge felt like throwing up.

He said coldly, "Even if little uncle doesn't have time and grandpa is sick, it's not your turn to intervene in this family."

Jing Ge stretched out his hand to push Shangguan Yao, and said in a cold voice: "If I remember correctly, neither you nor your grandma have any blood relationship with our Lin family. You don't even have the chance to be born.

Seeing that you didn't take this great kindness to heart, but took advantage of my little uncle's lack of time and when I was not in the house, you murdered my grandpa, how brave you are. "

"You're talking nonsense, we didn't, you must have directed and acted to frame us." Shangguan Yao felt guilty when she heard Jing Ge's questioning, but she quickly reacted and insisted even louder.

"Slap." Jing Ge slapped Shangguan Yao's face, which he wanted to slap for a long time.

"Shangguanyao, I didn't ask you to come to confront Bo in court with you, nor to give you a chance to clarify yourself. I know better than you how many people there are in the Lin family and what their personalities are.

Other than you, there is no one else who wants to harm my grandfather. You also sent the bowl of lotus seed soup to my grandfather's room in the morning. You know what poison you poisoned. If I come back later..."

When Jing Ge said this, his heart throbbed.

If she came back later, she might never see grandpa again.

These two vicious women actually have the face to argue here?

"You're talking nonsense, we didn't!" Shangguan Yao and Lin Shuru looked at each other anxiously.

"Deng Deng stare." Lin Shuru beat the ground with the cane in her hand, and shouted loudly: "Enough, Jing Ge, you are just a foreigner, and the elder brother is seriously ill now. What we should do is to find someone to cure the illness of the elder brother, but It's not fighting in a nest here now.

I have lived with my elder brother since I was a child, and I have a deep relationship with him. I chant scriptures day and night to pray for my elder brother's health to recover soon. If you ask me, how could I kill my elder brother?You said that the lotus seed soup is poisonous, but the lotus seed soup didn't just pass through my hands.

It must be a wild girl with impure thoughts, who moved her hands and feet in it. The purpose is to separate the relationship between you and me, and want to make the Lin family fall apart. You are still young and don't understand these things. I can understand, but you can't Do not listen to my words.

If elder brother wakes up and finds out that we are arguing, he will definitely be sad. You can't bear to make elder brother sad, can you? "

Jing Ge sneered.

Sure enough, Jiang is still old and hot, and he even found a substitute for the dead ghost.

Needless to say, if she pursued the matter of poisoning, the final result must be that the poisoning was done by a maid.

Maybe Lin Shuru will find an excuse for the maid, such as being instigated by someone.

Ha ha.

Jing Ge sneered in his heart.

She looked at the expressions of Lin Shuru and Shangguan Yao, as cold as ice.

"Do you think I'll let you go if you say that?" Jing singer flew out a dagger and inserted it into the door behind Shangguan Yao.

"Since I asked you to come here, of course I'm sure that you are the ones who poisoned you, otherwise you think I'd startle the snake so easily?

In addition, what you are worried about will not happen. After you disappear, I will tell my grandfather that you have gone back. Grandpa trusts me, and he will not disbelieve me.He doesn't even need to know what disgusting things you guys did! "

After Jing Ge finished speaking in a cold voice, he said to Steward Lin next to him, "Uncle Lin, step back, it's none of your business here."

(End of this chapter)

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