First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 960 The Fire Extinguisher Finally Arrived

Chapter 960 The Fire Extinguisher Finally Arrived
"This subordinate is guilty, please punish the pavilion master." Night Breeze bowed his head and admitted his mistake.

Although he is not the culprit of this matter, he is responsible for this matter. If there is a problem, of course he should be blamed.

Bai Yeling also knew that Night Breeze couldn't be blamed for this incident, but now he was like a moving source of fire, and he would get angry and curse at any time.

The elders looked at each other in blank dismay, and dared not speak up if they had something to say, but the consequences would be more serious if they didn't speak out. Several people looked at each other, and no one wanted to speak first, and was used as cannon fodder.

"Mr. Li, how is the area you are in charge of doing now? If I remember correctly, this year's arrival time has been delayed by almost half a month, right? How long will it take for that batch of medicines to arrive?"

Under the coercion deliberately released by Bai Yeling, Mr. Li swallowed nervously, and said: "This winter, the west district encountered a cold current, and most of the elixir was frostbitten, so it took a longer time to collect it. Therefore, there is a delay in collecting medicine, and it is estimated that it will be one month later, and the number of elixir that can be received this year is estimated to be reduced by half compared to last year."

"After waiting for an extra month and a half, the final result is that there are half of the herbs? Didn't you think of going to other places to collect this herb to make up for the loss?"

If it was an accident, Bai Yeling might give Elder Li a face and would not say such unpleasant things in public, but Bai Yeling is now a powder keg that might explode at any time, so he didn't consider Elder Li's feelings at all.

Mr. Li said aggrievedly: "But we used to collect this part of the elixir in the West District every year. If we rashly change the location this year, it will be difficult to continue our cooperation in the future. The most important thing is that there are such medicines in other places. The quality of several types of spiritual herbs is incomparable to those in the West District."

"There is what you want in the southwest area, are you sure you have compared it? The spiritual herbs in the southwest area are not as good as those in the west area?" Bai Yeling said aggressively.

Old Li knew he was wrong, and he didn't dare to breathe too loudly, so he didn't even dare to refute Bai Yeling's words.

He did not conduct any on-site investigation, let alone make a comparison in person. All the sources of information he mentioned were investigated by the people he sent out.

It's good not to delve into this kind of thing, but once it is, no one can guarantee that the elixir in the Southwest District will not be as good as that in the West District.

Mr. Li said in a muffled voice, "I'm sorry, I didn't think enough about this matter, and I will deal with it as soon as possible later."

Fat old Zhang sat next to Mr. Li, watching Mr. Li look like a defeated rooster, his shoulders drooped instantly, and he patted him on the shoulder with distress.

Just as he was about to say a few words of comfort, Bai Yeling's words pointed directly at Fat Old Zhang.

"Mr. Zhang, how is the matter in the southern district handled?"

Fat old Zhang wrinkled his chubby face, and was about to reply properly, when a person rushed in from the door, interrupting what fat old Zhang was about to say.

Bai Yeling looked at the person rushing in with a dark face, and said coldly: "You better have something important to say, otherwise..."

"Pavilion Master, Second Young Master brought Princess Yunge in." The man knelt on the ground and said hastily.

When everyone in the room heard Princess Yunge's name, they all heaved a sigh of relief.


The pavilion master's fire extinguisher finally arrived.

They can be regarded as a sigh of relief.

Er Shao did a great job.

Looking back, these old guys have to give Er Shao a big red envelope.

All the elders, they thought that Ge'er was brought by Bai Changle to rescue them——

(End of this chapter)

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