First-class genius doctor allure

Chapter 964 I will send you

Chapter 964 I will send you

"This has nothing to do with the old man. There is only so much I can say. The rest of the matter is up to you to solve it yourself. If you can't solve it, you can only make her an unconscious living dead. Before becoming a walking dead, you can also choose to deal with her and let her die early in order to get relief.

However, before that, I have one more thing to tell you, that is, those who touch taboos will not be reincarnated after death. "

Jing Ge's eyes suddenly widened, and his nails directly penetrated into the flesh.

Hearing the Nine Winged Demon Dragon's words, the first thing she thought of was not Lan Susu, but the dissipated soul of her original body.

The original body also touched the taboo to summon her soul and give this body a complete new life, just for revenge.

If there is no reincarnation after touching the taboo, doesn't that mean that the soul of the original body has already disappeared?
Jing Ge bit her lower lip tightly, almost biting her own lip with such force.

Bai Yeling noticed her strangeness and thought she was worried about Lan Susu.

He put his arms around her shoulders, pressed her head to his heart, and said softly: "Don't worry, you still have me, I will help you anytime, we will go to the black market tomorrow to see if there is any "Soul" The whereabouts of "Master's Secret", if not, we can also ask the Red Eagle Tower for help.

Do you still remember Gu Limo, the owner of the Red Eagle Building?He claims to know the affairs of the world, and he may not necessarily know the whereabouts of "Secrets of the Soul Master". Tonight, I will fly a letter to him and ask him to help find the whereabouts of this book. "

After Bai Yeling finished speaking, he kissed Jing Ge's forehead, held her face in both hands, and pressed it against her forehead like a treasure, and said seriously: "Don't think so much, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge."

Jing Ge's uncomfortable mood improved a lot after hearing his gentle voice.

She pressed her face against his chest and hummed lightly.

Bai Yeling patted her on the back and said, "Why don't you stay in Qianniao Pavilion tonight? I don't trust you if you go back like this."

Bai Yeling is serious, but in fact he wants to keep people here, it's better to chat together under the quilt than to stay alone in an empty room.

The so-called transition from extravagance to frugality is difficult. Some time ago, the two slept together almost every night and acted together during the day. Most of the twelve hours a day were spent together.

He was also used to the feeling that the air he breathed smelled of her, but after Leng Buding didn't have her by his side, he became unaccustomed to it.

The separation that he could endure before, now, even if it was only a short separation, made him feel uncomfortable all over.

Just as Jing Ge was about to nod, he suddenly felt something was wrong, and raised his head to meet Bai Yeling's dark eyes.

He understood his inner thoughts at a glance.

This guy was trying to trick her, then appease her emotional gap, and then asked her to stay when her defenses were relaxed... What can you do if you stay?She figured it out with her toes.

People in this era become adults at the age of 16.

And Jing Ge will be 16 years old in five days.

Before she was an adult, Bai Yeling took advantage of her in every possible way. If she is an adult, wouldn't it be——

"No, it suddenly occurred to me that there was something else to do in the Lin Mansion. I'll go back first. We will meet in the Lin Mansion tomorrow. Come and find me." After thinking about it, Jing Ge's mood improved a lot.

After thanking the nine-winged dragon, she turned and walked towards the gate of Qianniao Pavilion.

Bai Yeling had no choice but to catch up and said, "I'll see you off."

(End of this chapter)

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