Chapter 967
"Where is that fake book now?" Jing Ge asked suddenly.

"Fake? Do you want it? Originally, this fake was going to be destroyed, but I felt it was a pity, so I kept it secretly. If you need it, I can give it to you, but there is one condition that you can't Let others know that you got a fake from me.

Because before you, many people wanted to get this fake from me, but I used the excuse of destroying them to push them back. If those people know that I have been lying, I will be killed . "The fat five laughed until his eyes disappeared.

Jing Ge narrowed his eyes, but he was thinking about another thing.

What is the relationship between this underground black market and Baiye Mausoleum?
Why did so many people come to look for something that the fat fifth boy refused to give, but gave it directly because Bai Yeling stepped forward?
She wouldn't believe it if there was nothing to do with it.

However, Jing Ge did not ask Bai Yeling directly in person.

After the two got the fake "Secrets of the Soul Master", they left the black market soon.

The Nine-Winged Demon Dragon only bought Jing Ge three months. During these three months, if she wanted to save Lan Susu, she had to get the real "Secrets of the Soul Master" and learn how to save Lan Susu. Refining a soul master.

"It's not too late. Let's go tomorrow. I will tell grandpa about it tonight. As for the little uncle, I can only ask grandpa to talk about it." One side of the woman went to Tianlan College to take risks, fearing that it would stop her action.

She knew that her little uncle did this out of concern for her, but Jing Ge is not a flower in a greenhouse, and she doesn't need to be raised indoors and cared for carefully.

Although Lan Susu is not yet her friend, the two people's similar experiences made her want to take a risk for her.

By the way, you can also go to Tianlan College to meet Feifei.

I haven't seen Feifei for a year, and I don't know how he is doing now.

After Jing Ge and Bai Yeling finished their discussions, Bai Yeling sent Jing Ge back to the Lin Mansion, and the two acted separately. Jing Ge was in charge of going back and telling his family members about his decision, while Bai Yeling was in charge of contacting the spaceship, and set off early tomorrow morning.

Mr. Lin's body gradually recovered. When he saw Ge'er coming in, his face was full of smiles, and he asked Butler Lin to bring some sweet cakes he had prepared for Ge'er.

Jing Ge chatted with Mr. Lin in the room for a long time, and after eating almost half of the sweet cake, Jing Ge opened his mouth and told Mr. Lin that he was going to Tianlan College tomorrow.

The smile on Mr. Lin's face quickly collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What did you say? You want to go to Tianlan College on Zhongzhou Continent? Do you know how big the difference is between Zhongzhou Continent and Nanzhou Continent? Zhongzhou Continent is the largest continent in Kyushu, while Nanzhou is the smallest continent. Yunji is not something you can fight against, if you accidentally offend them, how can grandpa help you in a remote place like Nanzhou?"

The more Mr. Lin spoke, the more excited he became, and he gasped for breath while clutching his heart.

Jing Ge was really afraid that he would lose his breath and faint.

But since she has made this decision, it is impossible for her to give up easily.

"Grandpa, I'm not going alone this time, don't worry, I'll be fine." Jing Ge almost impulsively revealed the identity of Demon Lord Bai Yeling.

But after thinking about it, I still think it would be better not to say it.

Otherwise, grandpa might be even more worried.

After all, there is still a gap between the human world and the demon world.

(End of this chapter)

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