Chapter 982

The words that were clearly deciding the life and death of others, but he said them in an understatement tone, made people scared, and at the same time, they even lost the courage to resist.

When Liu Bao and Li Chengen heard the words, they were so frightened that they knelt down and begged for mercy.

However, no one can change Gong Xu's decision, so in the end Liu Bao and Li Chengen were forced out crying and howling.

After watching them being kicked out, the remaining alchemist students, including Ye Yuecheng, secretly sweated for themselves.

From the looks of it, the relationship between Meng Feifei and the dean is very close, even if you don't like this person in the future, you can't disrespect him casually.

Otherwise, the fate of Liu Bao and Li Chengen today will be their next script.

No one dares to joke about their own future.

It is not easy to get close to Tianlan College, and it is even more difficult to graduate from here.

But as long as you can graduate from here, you will have a smooth road for the rest of your life. As good as you want, everyone can become a favorite——

So no one would want to be kicked out.

Ye Yuecheng was startled and frightened, and in addition to being frightened, he felt a little more annoyed and resentful.

This Meng Feifei didn't know how he got the backing of the dean. With the dean as the backing, he couldn't touch Meng Feifei in the future.

Damn it, I couldn't see anything tricky before, what is the relationship between Meng Feifei and the dean?Why did the dean suddenly start defending this person?
Ye Yuecheng didn't believe it, didn't believe that Gong Xu's attitude towards Meng Feifei was just because Meng Feifei, like Gong Xu, had a thunder-type spiritual root, and it was a rare type of spiritual root.

There must be other unknown secrets behind this, and when he knows this secret, he will be able to drive Meng Feifei out, and maybe he will be able to pull Gong Xu down at that time.

This person is now Meng Feifei's backer, and it would be extremely unfavorable for him to stay.

Yeyuecheng and the others reluctantly apologized to Meng Feifei, and Meng Feifei also made a false apology before leaving the pharmacist branch.

Not long after he left, Gong Xu also walked out from the branch.

After asking someone about Meng Feifei's whereabouts, Gong Xu quickly chased after Meng Feifei in the direction he left.

Meng Feifei walked to a place where there was no one, and a black shadow came from behind, and Meng Feifei stopped.

Holding the hatchet behind him with both hands, when the man approached, he quickly turned around and swung the knife to attack.

However, the blow with all his strength was easily resolved by the opponent's two fingers.

"Why are you so angry?" Gong Xu pushed back the hatchet in Meng Feifei's hand with a little force on his fingers.

Meng Feifei gave him a cold look, then retracted the knife in his hand to his waist, looked at Gong Xu indifferently, and said, "Is there anything the dean can do with me?"

Gong Xu met Meng Feifei's indifferent eyes, but he didn't care, he still smiled and leaned over, stretched his finger towards Meng Feifei's face, when he was about to touch Meng Feifei's cheek, Meng Feifei looked away, dodged.

Gong Xu squinted his eyes, and placed his other hand on Meng Feifei's shoulder. The dodged finger moved forward and touched a shallow bloodstain on Meng Feifei's cheek.

"You're injured." Gong Xu scraped the blood off Meng Feifei's face with his fingertips, and while retracting his fingers, he licked the blood on his fingertips with the tip of his tongue.

Meng Feifei gave him a disgusted look, then took two steps back: "Are you disgusted?"

Gong Xu smiled and said, "How did you think about what I told you last time?"

 Make up for that one, I will make up for it later, happy Dragon Boat Festival, remember to eat rice dumplings, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~
(End of this chapter)

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